News"Parter ways": Royal expert considers William and Harry's reconciliation...

"Parter ways": Royal expert considers William and Harry's reconciliation impossible

Created: 08/09/2022, 2:00 p.m

Die Beziehung von William und Harry hat stark unter dem Rückzug der Sussexes gelitten. (Fotomontage)
William and Harry’s relationship has suffered badly as a result of the Sussexes’ withdrawal. (Photomontage) © Mark Pain/Anwar Hussein/Imago

Prince William and Prince Harry have been avoiding each other for months. Even the royal dropout’s visit to London couldn’t change that. The broken relationship between the brothers leaves little room for the long-awaited reconciliation.

London – The tense relationship between Prince William (40) and Prince Harry (37) makes it clear that there is not only sunshine in the palace. The two brothers haven’t gotten along as well as they used to for a long time, but reconciliation seems increasingly unlikely.

“A lot of wishful thinking”: Is William and Harry’s relationship about to end?

William and Harry’s relationship has been put to the test in recent years. Prince Harry’s resignation and his subsequent on-camera revelations and allegations played a large part in this. In addition, there is the great distance between the two, which further complicates the royal reconciliation.

William und Harrys letzter gemeinsamer Auftritt liegt mehr als ein Jahr zurück: Im Juli 2021 enthüllten die beiden Seite an Seite die Statue ihrer Mutter Prinzessin Diana.
William and Harry’s last appearance together was more than a year ago: In July 2021, the two unveiled the statue of their mother Princess Diana side by side. © iImages/Imago

Many royal fans still hope that Princess Diana’s (36, † 1997) sons will get rid of their dispute and get closer again – a confidence that not everyone shares. Nobility expert Andrew Morton (69) has great doubts about the relationship, as he confides in “The Daily Beast”: “I very much doubt that they will reconcile. There is a lot of wishful thinking about that.”

William and Harry do not approach each other: reconciliation is a long way off

Morton interprets the fact that there was no private meeting with William and Kate (40) during Harry and Meghan’s (41) visit to London in June as a clear sign of alienation. “They [William and Harry] will go their separate ways and the longer Harry and Meghan stay in America, the more comfortable they will be there,” Morton said.

Moving away from the palace and royal family has cemented the Sussexes’ relationship. Meghan Markle is Harry’s most important person, and her body language leaves no doubt about that. Sources used:

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