NewsPasquale Aleardi had to sprint six kilometers

Pasquale Aleardi had to sprint six kilometers

Everything at the beginning: For the actor Pasquale Aleardi, a day of filming for the Brittany thriller turned into a sweaty endurance run.

Berlin (dpa) – Actor Pasquale Aleardi connects one of the worst sore muscles of his life with the new Bretagne thriller this Thursday. The spectators see him on a breakneck chase on foot across the old town of Saint-Malo.

"The sore muscles that I had afterwards are definitely one of the worst that I can remember," the 49-year-old told the German press agency. He won't forget the day of shooting anytime soon. “20 to 30 takes, each of which contained three to four takes, in which we ran 50 meters as fast as possible. So we're talking a total of 3000 to 6000 meters sprint. ”The next day he and Nadja Becker, who plays the role of Lucille in the film, could no longer move.

The new thriller "Breton specialties" with Aleardi as Commissioner Georges Dupin runs this Thursday at 8:15 pm in the first.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210505-99-474670 / 3

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