NewsPrincess Charlène of Monaco in the hospital - Prince...

Princess Charlène of Monaco in the hospital – Prince Albert gives details

The Monegasque Palace has announced news on the state of health of Charlène of Monaco.

Monaco – sigh of relief in the principality. Charlène Lynette Grimaldi, Princess of Monaco, is doing well after surviving an operation that she had to undergo on Friday (August 13th, 2021) in South Africa. Her husband, Prince Albert II, confirmed this to People magazine. “The operation went well, Princess Charlène is resting and we think of her with tenderness,” said the son of the American actress and Oscar winner, Princess Gracia Patricia Grimaldi of Monaco, also known by her maiden name, Grace Kelly .

The operation was necessary due to a severe oro, nose and throat disease and, according to the palace, required general anesthesia. In total, the operation took about four hours. As reported by the US news portal Fox News, the 43-year-old Charlène von Monaco had to undergo several minor ear, nose and throat operations in order to correct complications.

Operation in South Africa: How is Princess Charlène of Monaco?

Charlène von Monaco has been involuntarily in her homeland for a good three months. Originally only a ten to twelve day visit to South Africa was planned in order to dedicate herself to her foundation work and to campaign personally against the poaching of rhinos in South Africa. Due to an infection, the former Olympic participant was not allowed to travel home by plane by her doctors.

“My ear pressure doesn’t stabilize, so I can’t fly over 20,000 feet,” Charlène said in an interview with South Africa Radio 702. She also said that she couldn’t wait to be with her family again to be her husband, Prince Albert II, and the two six-year-old twins, heir Jacques and Princess Gabriella. “That’s the longest time I’ve actually been away from Europe and my children,” she said.

According to People magazine, she would not be able to leave South Africa until the end of October due to further medical care; after all, a cure could not be forced. Nevertheless, she made it clear: “I feel good.”

Princess Charlène of Monaco: Prince Albert II plans to visit the Princess in South Africa

As sources from the area around the Monegasque palace have now announced, Prince Albert II and the two children will accompany Charlène on her recovery and travel to South Africa. The visit is said to have been planned for several weeks. It is still unclear when the royal family from Monaco will actually start their journey.

Due to the long and repeatedly delayed stay of Princess Charlène of Monaco in South Africa, the media speculated about a possible imminent separation of the princely couple. Among other things, Charlène also missed the tenth anniversary of her wedding to Prince Albert II on July 1st. The planned celebrations in the Principality of Monaco were canceled anyway due to the Corona * pandemic, as reported by Fox News. (Yannick Wenig) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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Recently, Charlène von Monaco looked very unhappy. The princess is said to have been saddened for many years.
