NewsPrincess Charlène of Monaco - Palast announces sad news

Princess Charlène of Monaco – Palast announces sad news

Princess Charlène of Monaco continues to make headlines. Fans worry about their health. Her family also announces sad news.

Monaco – Princess Charlène of Monaco has been dominating the news situation from the palace for weeks. Because the princess is currently stuck in South Africa: an infection forced her to undergo an operation under general anesthesia, which is why she is under medical treatment. Princess Charlène recently broke down again. She was admitted to a clinic.

In the meantime, she received a visit from her family in South Africa: Prince Albert II and the two six-year-old children Jacques and Gabriella provided her support. Meanwhile, however, Charlène’s family are back in France. A few days ago, recordings of a canoe tour by Prince Albert and the children were circulating. That happened just a few days before the end of the vacation.

Charlène von Monaco: Princess misses her twins’ first day of school

Now Jacques and Gabriella had their first day of school. Sadly, her mother Charlène missed it due to illness. However, this was not about the six-year-old children starting school: The two started school in 2018 at the age of three.

A photo that Charlène shared on Instagram at the time shows the two:

Check out this post on Instagram

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The fact that Princess Charlène of Monaco missed the first day of the new school year is hardly a surprise. Charlène’s sister-in-law, who is also the spokeswoman for the Princely Foundation, recently emphasized that further medical examinations are on the agenda.

Video: That happened – Princess Charlène of Monaco in the hospital

Could she be home yet? Princess Charlène of Monaco reacts to criticism

It has been known since the beginning of the history of the disease that Charlene had an ENT infection. This apparently ensures that the princess cannot travel to Monaco by plane. The air pressure at a height of several thousand meters makes this impossible.

However, many fans are wondering why the princess does not choose the ship as her way of traveling. An aunt Alberts recently put into circulation for a new explanation: Charlène is “not coming back” to Monaco, she stressed – and referred to marriage problems between the royal couple: Charlène has now responded to the rumors.

In addition to the Monegasque royals, the British palace is making headlines again: Harry and Meghan are probably planning their return to London. (do)

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