NewsPrincess Charlène of Monaco reacts to rumors - and...

Princess Charlène of Monaco reacts to rumors – and counters critics

Princess Charlène of Monaco is concerned about her fans’ health. At the same time, divorce rumors are spreading – which the 43-year-old is now commenting on.

Monaco – Princess Charlène of Monaco, who recently had an operation under general anesthesia in South Africa, is apparently on the mend. Her husband, Prince Albert II, had already stressed days ago that Charlène’s health was improving. Princess Charlène meanwhile also gave details. In addition, a visit to the hospital is planned “in the next few days,” said Albert.

That’s what happened: Albert visited Charlène with their two children, Jacques and Gabriella. Images of the royal family then circulated, the princess shared many of them in person on Instagram. For example, she commented on the photos as follows: “I’m so happy to have my family with me again.”

Princess Charlène of Monaco – Royals show family photos

On another recording, the royal couple countered the recent rumors of a marriage crisis. There was talk of a divorce that was “imminent”. An aunt of Albert spread this in an interview. Among other things, she suspected that Princess Charlène would not return to Monaco.

The photo shows Charlene and Albert closely embraced, arm in arm. He wears safari pants and a t-shirt with a rhinoceros printed on it, she wears camouflage pants and jacket and both protect themselves with a safari hat.

Check out this post on Instagram

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Princess Charlène: When will she return to Albert in Monaco?

Despite the latest confessions of love from the Monegasque royals, it remains unclear how it will continue. South African media reports that Charlène recently announced that she was targeting mid-October 2021 as the date for her return to Monaco. It is also uncertain how the princess is in terms of health. The 43-year-old is apparently on the mend. Recently, however, there have been repeated reports that air travel is not possible for Charlène because the air pressure is too high at several thousand meters above sea level.

It can be assumed, however, that Charlène will do everything possible to return to Monaco in mid-October. In several interviews, the 43-year-old princess has repeatedly stated how much she “misses” her family. (do)

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