NewsPrincess Claire of Luxembourg: a picture with her cute...

Princess Claire of Luxembourg: a picture with her cute children

On May 13th, Mother's Day was officially celebrated in Luxembourg this year. One of the cutest snapshots is from Princess Claire of Luxembourg.

Lorgues – In Luxembourg, the feast day in honor of mothers is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in June, while in many other countries mothers are given flowers, chocolates or homemade gifts on the 2nd Sunday in May. This year, Princess Claire (36) of Luxembourg was able to look forward to a particularly nice gift. *

On Instagram, she shared a picture of her happy family with the words: Happy Mother's Day in Luxembourgish, French and English. The new picture that the rather media-shy royals Princess Claire, Prince Félix (37) * with daughter Amalia Gabriela Maria Teresa, who will be seven years old on June 15 this year and Prince Liam Henri Hartmut (4), was to celebrate the Day recorded. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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