NewsPrincess Eugenie: Prince Andrew scandal overshadows family vacation

Princess Eugenie: Prince Andrew scandal overshadows family vacation

Eugenie and her husband Jack went on their first family vacation with baby August. However, the Prince Andrew scandal is dampening the mood.

Aberdeenshire – Queen Elizabeth II (95) has been at her summer residence in Scotland for a few weeks. Several members of the British royal family plan to visit the Queen there at Balmoral Castle in the coming weeks. The first guests include Eugenie von York (31) with her husband Jack Brooksbank (35) and their six-month-old son August. However, the princess’s holiday mood is clouded by a tangible scandal, because her father is already at Balmoral. It has been known for a few days that Prince Andrew (61) was accused of sexual abuse by Virginia Giuffre (38). * reveals how Princess Eugenie feels about her father Prince Andrew in the midst of the dramatic scandal.

When allegations of abuse against Prince Andrew were first raised a long time ago and his connections to the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein (66, † 2019) came to light, his family was behind him. In particular, his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson (61) supported the 61-year-old and spoke positively about him in public without exception. Princess Eugenie and her older sister Princess Beatrice (33) have never turned away from their father either. It remains to be seen what consequences the indictment can have for him and for the royal family. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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