NewsProperty tax forms 2022 - At Elster you have...

Property tax forms 2022 – At Elster you have to pay attention to a few things

Created:07/14/2022, 04:48 am

The property tax for 2022 must be submitted electronically via Elster. Forms for the tax return will be ready soon – but there are stumbling blocks lurking.

Frankfurt/Berlin – German politicians are faced with a mammoth task: the old property tax must be reformed and replaced with a new calculation basis. This involves a lot of effort – also for homeowners in Germany. For the 2022 property tax, you must submit a separate tax return to your tax office and provide information about your property.

While consumer advocates warned of major problems and misunderstandings with the so-called declaration of assessment at the beginning of the year, the deadline for the new property tax starts on July 1st. Owners then have until October 31 to report their properties to the tax authorities, as reported by

Property Tax 2022 Forms: What Documents Must Be Submitted?

So that the property tax can also be properly submitted to the tax offices, there are a few things to consider: Depending on the federal state, a different model is used to calculate the property tax. As a result, different information is required, which forms the basis for the recalculation. Homeowners, meanwhile, are wondering which forms to fill out for property tax in 2022.

Property tax is not only due for new buildings. With the reform, all properties in Germany must be revalued. Homeowners must provide information to the tax office. (symbol photo) © Uwe Anspach / dpa

As stated on the website, forms and instructions for completing the declaration for determining the property tax value were already published on December 1, 2021. Under the reference number BStBl. I 2021, 2391 ff. these can be viewed in the Federal Tax Gazette. But caution is advised: The NWB database can only be used to display forms for the 2022 property tax in paper form. As a rule, however, the property tax must be submitted electronically. Individual federal states have now also published specific instructions for the regulations in their federal state.

Contrary to the regulations in other federal states, the Free State of Bavaria has decided to take a different approach when submitting the declaration of assessment for property tax. Although the Bavarian tax offices also rely on the digital submission of tax returns, it is also possible to submit them in paper form. In Hamburg, for example, the paper route is ruled out.

Forms for the property tax 2022: Homeowners must pay attention to this with the documents

The fact that the property tax has to be reformed in 2022 is based on a decision by the constitutional court. At that time it was decided that the old calculation basis was not legally compliant. The current reform of the property tax is complex and will take several years: the property tax will only be levied from 2025 on the basis of the recalculation. Homeowners will therefore have to work with the tax authorities in the coming months. However, there are deviations in the forms and documents that must be submitted.

What is the property tax 2022

The property tax 2022 is a tax levied by the tax offices for property in Germany. In addition to developed land, this also includes agricultural or forestry land. Owners and homeowners are therefore obliged to pay a property tax to the local authorities once a year. The income flows into the cities and municipalities and represents an important source of income for them.

What the forms for the property tax 2022 look like and what information has to be given in the declaration of determination depends on one decisive factor: the federal state. Because depending on the federal state, either the federal model or a different state model is used. As a result, the scope of the information may differ. Meanwhile, data protectionists fear a major data chaos due to the new property tax in 2022.

These forms are required for the property tax return at Elster

  • Elster user account
  • certificate file
  • File number
  • land register information
  • Specific information depending on the country model

Elster: Forms and documents for property tax are provided

The property tax reform 2022 ensures that owners in Germany have to submit a declaration of assessment to the tax office by October 31st. This is mandatory and possible from July 1, 2022. The declaration must be submitted electronically. The Elster portal is available for the property tax 2022, where you will also find the necessary forms and documents.

A prerequisite for being able to use Elster for further tax returns: an Elster user account. Owners who already submit their income tax electronically to their tax office can use the same account. If you do not yet have a user account, you can set one up. It should be noted here that the process can take several weeks, since the registration consists of several steps. As stated on an information page from Elster, further information will be made available for the 2022 property tax – including a chatbot and specific information for the countries.

Property tax return 2022: Forms and documents must be submitted to the tax office

As already mentioned, there have been forms for the 2022 property tax return since the beginning of the year. However, since the actual assessment declaration has to be submitted electronically via Elster, these are only of limited use. With millions of properties having to be revalued, property tax reform is a costly undertaking that will keep the tax authorities busy for some time to come. According to the federal model, the form that must be submitted for the recalculation of the property tax requires the following information with the documents: plot area, standard land value, type of use, living space, year of construction of the building. The requirements of the federal states deviate from this. (Felix Bussjaeger)

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