NewsProtest against police violence in the USA: car drives...

Protest against police violence in the USA: car drives into crowd

In the US city of Minneapolis, people protest against police violence after the death of a black man. Then a car drives into the crowd.

Minneapolis – The US city of Minneapolis is not calming down. Around a year after the death of the black George Floyd, a woman has now died when a car drove into a crowd late on Sunday evening (June 13th, 2021), which was again protesting against a case of police violence.

Minneapolis police said in a statement that the driver was pulled out of the car by protesters after the collision, then taken into police custody and taken to a county hospital where he is currently being treated for his injuries. The man’s motive was initially unknown. The police announced, however, that according to initial findings, the consumption of drugs or alcohol by the driver could also have contributed to the accident.

Minneapolis: Protests after the death of a black man

The reason for the demonstration in Minneapolis in the Uptown neighborhood was the death of the black Winston Boogie Smith Jr. He was shot by US marshals on June 3, 2021 on the top floor of the parking garage of Seven Points, the former shopping mall. Authorities subsequently alleged that he fired a gun from his vehicle when the task force tried to arrest him. The woman who was in Smith’s vehicle at the time, on the other hand, testified that she had never seen Smith with a gun, her lawyers last announced. According to the police, video recordings are not available.

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