NewsPuffy eye area: tea bags bring relief

Puffy eye area: tea bags bring relief

Created: 10/24/2022, 2:20 p.m

Geschwollene Augenpartie Teebeutel Linderung
Tea bags are a cosmetic tip after a long night of partying. © Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

A quick help against the consequences of a short night can be found in many kitchens: tea bags.

Darmstadt – The night was short? Puffy areas around the eyes can be treated by placing a bag of green or black tea on top. Soak it briefly in cold water beforehand is the tip of the portal. Then squeeze out the liquid and place the bags on the closed eyelids for about ten minutes.

The tea should have as few additives and flavors as possible. Black and green tea are suitable, both come from the same plant. They have a soothing, antibacterial and decongestant effect on the skin. dpa

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