NewsPure luxury: This is what Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi's...

Pure luxury: This is what Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi's new villa in Dubai looks like

Created: 10/28/2022 12:49 p.m

It was not until September that Anna-Maria Ferchichi emigrated to Dubai with her husband Bushido and the children. But just a few weeks later, the rapper couple moves again. Now Anna-Maria Ferchichi shows the new luxury villa in the Emirates.

Bushido und Ehefrau Anna-Maria Ferchichi ziehen nur wenige Wochen, nachdem sie nach Dubai ausgewandert sind, wieder um. Die 40-Jährige gab den Fans nun eine Roomtour bei TikTok.
1 / 15 Bushido and his wife Anna-Maria Ferchichi are moving again just a few weeks after emigrating to Dubai. The 40-year-old now gave the fans a room tour on TikTok. © Instagram / TikTok
Die neue Villa wird gerade noch fertiggestellt, wie auf den Aufnahmen der Roomtour von Anna-Maria Ferchichi zu sehen ist. Aber schnell wird klar: Das Haus muss riesig sein.
2 / 15 The new villa is just about to be completed, as can be seen on the room tour photos by Anna-Maria Ferchichi. But it quickly becomes clear: the house must be huge. ©Instagram
Die Roomtour durch die neue Luxusvilla in Dubaei beginnt. Das Zimmer von Laila und Aaliyah ist hell. Öffnen die Mädchen die Tür, können sie direkt in den Pool springen.
3 / 15 The room tour through the new luxury villa in Dubai begins. Laila and Aaliyah’s room is bright. If the girls open the door, they can jump straight into the pool. ©Instagram
Bevor man in das Luxus-Badezimmer der Mädchen kommt, geht man durch eine kleine Garderobe. Das geflieste Bad hat auch eine riesige Badewanne für die Töchter von Bushido und Anna-Maria Ferchichi.
4 / 15 Before you get into the girls’ luxury bathroom, you go through a small wardrobe. The tiled bathroom also has a huge bathtub for Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi’s daughters. ©Instagram
Vor der Luxusvilla steht dieser dicke Mercedes-Luxusschlitten. Die Ferchichis wollen aber auf eine V-Klasse umsteigen. Ein großer Van, der genügend Platz für alle Kinder haben soll.
5 / 15 In front of the luxury villa is this big luxury Mercedes car. But the Ferchichis want to switch to a V-Class. A large van that should have enough space for all the children. ©Instagram
Überall wird gerade noch fertiggestellt. Wie Anna-Maria Ferchichi zu diesen Bildern erklärt, soll es in dem sehr offenen Haus gleich drei Wohnzimmer geben.
6 / 15 Everywhere is just about to be completed. As Anna-Maria Ferchichi explains about these pictures, there should be three living rooms in the very open house. ©Instagram
In jeden Raum in der Luxusvilla kommt viel Tageslicht. So können die Ferchichis die Sonnentage in Dubai voll auskosten.
7 / 15 Plenty of daylight enters every room in the luxury villa through the floor-to-ceiling windows. So the Ferchichis can fully enjoy the sunny days in Dubai. ©Instagram
In Dubai können die Ferchichis unerkannt und ohne Angst vor Bushidos Fein Abu Chaker leben.
8 / 15 In Dubai, the Ferchichis can live unrecognized and without fear of Bushido’s enemy Abu-Chaker. In Germany, the family was monitored and protected by the police around the clock. © TikTik
Egal welchen Winkel der Luxusvilla Anna-Maria Ferchichi in ihrer Roomtour zeigt: Überall ist es hell, viel Platz und jede Menge Bauarbeiter sind noch am Werk.
9 / 15 No matter which angle of the luxury villa Anna-Maria Ferchichi shows in her room tour: It is bright everywhere, there is plenty of space and lots of construction workers are still at work. ©Instagram
Der Zugang zum hauseigenen Pool ist von mehreren Zimmern aus möglich. Die großen Fenstertüren ermöglichen es außerdem, immer viel frische Luft ins Haus zu lassen.
10 / 15 Access to the in-house pool is possible from several rooms. The large French doors also make it possible to always let a lot of fresh air into the house. ©Instagram
Anna-Maria Ferchichi mit den Drillingen
11/15 At the end of 2021, Anna-Maria gave birth to triplets Naima, Leonora and Amaya. Amaya had complications during her pregnancy, which is why she is shorter than her triplets. © Instagram/Anna-Maria Ferchichi
Anna-Maria Ferchichi stammt selbst aus einer Großfamilie. Sie hat vier Schwestern und drei Brüder. Hier ist sie mit Lulu und Valentina zu sehen.
12 / 15 Anna-Maria Ferchichi herself comes from a large family. She has four sisters and three brothers. Here she is with Lulu and Valentina. © Instagram/Anna-Maria Ferchichi
Anna-Maria Ferchichi 2003, 2005 und 2012
13/15 Anna-Maria Ferchichi 2003, 2005 and 2012 © dpa/Dieter Baganz & Imago/ Wombati & Imago/Eventpress
Anna-Maria Ferchichi heute
14 / 15 Anna-Maria Ferchichi makes no secret of her beauty procedures. She told Gala: “I’ve done a lot. […] I had my eyelids lifted when I was 36, and then it all hung a bit. I had my nose operated, my teeth – and that was it for my face.” Anna-Maria had her lips injected. © Screenshot/RTL+
Anna-Maria Ferchichi, Bushido und Kinder im Flugzeug
15 / 15 Anna-Maria Ferchichi moved to Dubai with her husband Bushido and their children just a few weeks ago. © Instagram/anna_maria_ferchichi_

Dubai – The fans of Anna-Maria Ferchichi (40) and husband Anis (44) were surprised a few days ago when the mother of three gave an insight into the new everyday life in Dubai.

Construction work in front of a new house in Dubai: The Ferchichis are moving again

“When we got here, we saw that there was a construction site to the left and right. Now the nightmare has come true, construction work has started,” pop star Sarah Conner’s sister told her almost 500,000 followers. “It’s like that from morning to night. There is also no Sunday or lunch break here.”

A no-go for the stressed extended family. That’s why Anna-Maria Ferchichi is moving again with Bushido and the children – after only a few weeks in the new house. “I’m so glad we found a new house so quickly,” said the 40-year-old. She only had to convince her husband first. “I wanted to move in straight away and my husband asked if I was still clean,” revealed the mother of eight, who is thinking about a ninth child.

On Thursday, Anna-Maria Ferchichi presented the first pictures of her new home in Dubai. The luxury villa with pool has three living rooms. The photo series shows how luxurious the new home of Anna-Maria Ferchichi and Bushido is.

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