NewsQueen Elizabeth II: Doesn't she feel safe after the...

Queen Elizabeth II: Doesn't she feel safe after the attack?

After the arrest of an intruder at Windsor Castle, the alarm signals are red. For more security, a ban on overflights is currently being considered.

Windsor – Because of the arrest of a 19-year-old with intent to murder, investigations are currently being carried out into ways of increasing the security of the castle and its residents. For example, a no-fly zone is to be set up over the site, according to the Metropolitan Police, according to consistent British media reports. *

Queen Elizabeth II: Doesn’t she feel safe after the attack

The security at Windsor Castle could be better: On Christmas Day an intruder was caught on the grounds of the residence of Queen Elizabeth II * (95). We are currently reviewing how the vulnerability can be closed. A no-fly zone could be a measure, a corresponding application has already been made by the police.

Queen Elizabeth II. ohne Hut im grauen Mantel im Halbprofil (Symbolbild).


Orders more security measures: Queen Elizabeth II. (Symbol picture).

The no-fly zone is said to extend about 760 meters above and 2.8 kilometers around Windsor Castle. According to the Metropolitan Police, the taboo area would “further increase security in this symbolic place and ensure the safety of the people living nearby”, says the “Evening Standard”. In order to prevent incorrect interpretations of the order, the authority emphasized that the deliberation was not based on any intelligence.

The police also asked the local population to give their opinion on the no-fly zone application.

Queen Elizabeth II: After the incident at Christmas, the horror runs deep

On December 25th, an intruder climbed over the castle wall * with a rope ladder. The man armed with a crossbow came within 500 meters of the monarch’s private apartments, but did not enter any building. After his arrest, he received psychiatric treatment.

Less than half an hour before the 19-year-old was caught at Windsor Castle *, a video clip was uploaded to Snapchat and then picked up by the Sun. Inside was a masked person with a crossbow explaining in a computer-distorted voice that he was sorry for what he had done and what he would do. He will try to murder the head of the royal family.

Due to the renewed Corona wave, the regent had renounced the trip to Sandringham * and celebrated Christmas on site with a small family circle * with Prince Charles * (73) and his wife Duchess Camilla * (74).

The Christmas season 2021 is likely to be remembered as rather unpleasant for Elizabeth II. Two deaths at court *, the corona situation and the death of Prince Philips * (99, † 2021) in April of that year also overshadowed the turn of the year. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Headline list image: © Joe Giddens / Imago

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