Queen Máxima has many talents and interests. If the royal schedule allows it, she likes to pursue a wide variety of leisure activities. A hobby surprises you.
The Hague – Alongside her husband King Willem-Alexander (54), Máxima (50) stars in the Dutch palace. Numerous representative appointments await the Queen again this year. Your calendar often leaves little time for private pleasure. But when Máxima has some free time, she likes to pursue a very special hobby.
24royal.de* reveals which surprising leisure activity helps Queen Máxima to switch off.
Queen Máxima is the sympathizer par excellence of the Dutch royals. With her warm smile and her open nature, she is always the radiant center of attention at all appointments. Together with her husband König Willem-Alexander, she performs countless shows throughout the year. You will look in vain for signs of tiredness or a bad mood in the native Argentine. In order to stay fit and healthy, Máxima follows a strict fitness program. Among other things, the 50-year-old lets off steam while swimming or kickboxing. Another hobby of hers is a little less sweaty, but it helps wonderfully to relax. *24royal.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.