News'Real-Life Ken' became 'Barbie' - photo shows what she...

'Real-Life Ken' became 'Barbie' – photo shows what she looked like before her 100+ surgeries

Created: 7/21/2022 4:46 am

Jessica Alves shelled out a lot of money for her numerous surgeries and became known as “Real-Life-Ken”. Now Ken became Barbie. It’s hard to believe that the Brit once looked completely different.

London – When Jessica Alves walked the streets of London three years ago, people’s heads automatically turned to her. At that time she was still known as Rodrigo Alves – became famous as “Real-Life-Ken”. Through numerous cosmetic surgeries, she wanted to look as similar as possible to her ideal, the male Barbie doll Ken.

However, Rodrigo Alves is no longer there. After changing her name to Jessica Alves in 2020, gender reassignment followed in 2021 – the former “Real-Life-Ken” became “Real-Life-Barbie”. “The transformation went very quickly and I’m sure it was the right thing for me,” said the Briton in an interview. There’s very little left of her former “Ken” appearance. But even less of what Jessica looked like before her more than 100 surgeries.

‘Real-Life Ken’ Is Now A Barbie: ‘I Tried Everything To Become A Man’

A natural smile, chubby cheeks and bright eyes: Jessica Alves used to look like many other young men. Unobtrusive and down to earth. But from an early age she felt that she was different. “I’ve always felt connected to my feminine side,” she says in an interview with Bild . However, it was only a few years ago that she really realized that she felt more like a woman than a man. “Three years ago I started secretly wearing women’s clothing,” continues Jessica Alves.

It took a long time for her to realize who she really is. “I’ve had so many surgeries over the years because I couldn’t see that I was born transgender,” says the 38-year-old. “I tried everything to become a man but it didn’t work and I failed. In reality, I always wanted to be a woman,” says Jessica Alves. A Frenchman also underwent an extreme transformation: he had himself transformed into an alien.

The sex reassignment surgery was performed in February and lasted six hours. The reality star had to raise 15,845 euros for it. But it was worth every penny to her. “Now I can start my new life as a woman,” Jessica Alves told Britain’s Sun.

Over 100 surgeries for almost 500,000 euros: Jessica Alves went under the knife at the age of 19

Jessica Alves went under the knife for the first time at the age of 19. Dozens of other surgeries followed the nose job. She admitted looking back when she was a teenager that she looked very different. She felt the need to achieve the “perfect” male figure and sculpted face. Older photos of Jessica Rodrigo show a much fuller face and a less slender body. Another example from Brazil shows that the addiction to ideals can also go too far: A “Lord of the Rings” fan has his nose cut off to look like an orc villain.

As Rodrigo Alves, Jessica had a precise idea of what a man was supposed to look like. “To me, male perfection means that it is symmetrical. So a distinctive face, broad shoulders, a slim figure, a prominent jawline, defined abs and proportionate chest.” Born in Brazil, she underwent more than 100 surgeries prior to her gender reassignment surgery in February. They also cost money: Jessica Alves has already shelled out around 500,000 euros for all the procedures. A social media star had a painful and dangerous procedure performed: Kierstyn Milligan got a tattoo of his eyeballs.

Editor’s note

This article originally appeared on April 1, 2022. As it is still relevant to our readers, the editors have updated it.

Jessica Alves will certainly have more surgeries. To the dismay of many social media users. “He clearly has too much money,” says one user. “He was so handsome,” another commented on an old photo of Jessica Alves before she became “Real-Life Ken.” “What a frightening sight,” writes one woman. Many are calling the TV star’s surgery addiction “sick” and “terrifying.” However, a large number of users are also enthusiastic about the transformation of “Barbie”, as she is often called. This is not only proven by the approximately 4.7 million followers, but also by many positive comments from her fans, who describe her as “beautiful”, “perfect” and “gorgeous”. “She’s a queen,” comments one user.

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