NewsRKI: 320,000 doctor visits because of Covid-19 in one...

RKI: 320,000 doctor visits because of Covid-19 in one week

The omicron variant still causes high numbers of infections in Germany. So far, this has not been reflected in the intensive care units. But in other areas, as the RKI states.

Berlin – The Robert Koch Institute estimates the number of doctor visits in Germany because of Corona in the past week at around 320,000.

The values of the fourth wave are already significantly exceeded in almost all age groups, writes the RKI in its weekly report. Since the turn of the year, the number of doctor visits has increased, compared to the previous week it stagnated, although late registrations are still possible.

According to RKI calculations, 0.9 to 1.8 percent of the population aged 15 and over had contracted Covid-19 with symptoms of an acute respiratory disease in the previous week. In the case of children up to the age of 15, the Institute speaks of a proportion of those affected of around 1.6 to 3.2 percent. The RKI has been presenting such calculations for around two weeks – also because laboratories and health authorities are at the limit when recording infected people and it is assumed that the reporting data is becoming increasingly incomplete.

Lots of hospital admissions

According to the RKI, estimated values for hospital admissions of patients infected with Sars-CoV-2 “remained at a high level” and showed a continued slight upward trend (so-called adjusted hospitalization incidence). In intensive care units, there is currently no increase due to the omicron wave.

“The 7-day incidence is still highest in the group of children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 years”, but it has also risen significantly again in the older age groups, the RKI states. “The #Omicron wave is slowly reaching the elderly population,” the authority commented on Twitter. An increase among older people has also been feared for some time in view of a possible heavier burden on the healthcare system.

In the meantime, the Omicron sub-variant BA.2, which is apparently even more transferrable, is continuing to grow at a low level in Germany. For the week ending January 23, the RKI reports a share of 5.1 percent – around twice as much as the week before. The data come from a sample of cases where full genetic analysis was performed. Accordingly, the omicron subtype BA.1 has dominated in Germany so far.

New omicron subtype easier to transfer

BA.2 had spread widely in countries such as Denmark, among others. German experts also expect this in Germany and fear that this could prolong the omicron wave. The Charité virologist Christian Drosten said in the NDR podcast “The Corona Virus Update” that the infection protection measures in force here are likely to slow down the spread compared to other countries.

Drosten explained the two Omicron subtypes with a car metaphor and said about BA.2: “The motor has a few more horsepower.” He referred to data on infections in households in Denmark. The RKI writes about this study in the weekly report that it indicates “that the BA.2 subline is more easily transmissible than BA.1 and has immune-vasive properties that could explain this higher transmissibility”. dpa

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