NewsRKI expects corona increase for autumn and winter

RKI expects corona increase for autumn and winter

The corona numbers in Germany have recently calmed down again. However, the Robert Koch Institute expects that to change in the foreseeable future.

Berlin – In the corona pandemic, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) expects the number of infections to rise again in autumn and winter. This is what the institute wrote in its weekly report on Thursday evening.

The reasons given are, in particular, a “still large number” of unvaccinated people and the increase in indoor contacts. The EU health authority ECDC had previously warned of a worsening corona situation in Europe this autumn in view of the sometimes insufficient vaccination quotas.

For several weeks, the number of infections in this country has been on the decline again. Experts explained this, among other things, with the decline in travel after the summer vacation. In the report, the RKI also points out that the vaccination rate achieved, the weather that is still quite mild in many places and the measures that are still in force in many areas could play a role. The situation at a glance:

Age groups

According to the data, the virus is particularly strong in children from preschool age and adolescents up to 19 years of age. The RKI recorded the highest seven-day incidence of all age groups for 10 to 14-year-olds with 168 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past week. This is followed by children between five and nine years of age with a value of 139. So far, vaccination against Covid-19 is possible from the age of 12 years. In the groups aged 60 and over, the seven-day incidences are below 50.

Federal states

A look at regional developments reveals exceptions to the overall downward trend. Last week, the number of cases decreased in almost all federal states compared to the previous week, but slight increases of four and eight percent respectively were recorded in Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the RKI notes.

Hospitals and intensive care units

According to the RKI, most hospital admissions are currently recorded for middle-aged people (35 to 59 years of age), and the trend is declining overall. With regard to the situation in intensive care units, the RKI says that the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 has been showing a slight plateau over the past few weeks – more than 1,300 people are being cared for.

Infection site

The influence of the summer vacation has meanwhile decreased significantly. “The infection process is increasingly taking place within Germany,” writes the RKI.


For a few weeks now, significantly more laboratory tests have been carried out in Germany than in the summer. The proportion of positive samples has now decreased again: According to the report, it was 6.4 percent last week (previous week: 7.5 percent).


Hygiene measures and vaccinations have reduced the number of outbreaks in old people’s and nursing homes and medical facilities, the RKI tweeted on Thursday. “These measures will continue to be decisive in the autumn / winter to protect the people there,” was the appeal. dpa

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