NewsRKI reports more than 230,000 infections: Federal state is...

RKI reports more than 230,000 infections: Federal state is now canceling contact tracing

The RKI again reports a lower rate of new infections. According to Health Minister Lauterbach, loosening is possible. One state is suspending contact tracing. The news ticker.

  • The nationwide 7-day incidence* has fallen for the fourth day in a row.
  • Minister of Health Lauterbach* makes it clear: “We have reached the peak of the omicron wave”.
  • A federal state is now lifting contact tracing (see update from February 16, 2 p.m.).
  • This news ticker about Corona* in Germany* is updated regularly.

Update from February 17, 5:50 a.m .: The nationwide seven-day incidence has fallen again. The Robert Koch Institute gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week on Thursday morning as 1385.1. For comparison: the day before the value was 1401.0. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 1465.4 (previous month: 528.2). The health authorities in Germany reported 235,626 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. A week ago there were 247,862 infections.

However, the numbers are only of limited significance at the moment. Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. Test capacities and health authorities are therefore at the limit in many places, and contacts are only tracked to a limited extent. In addition, the number of people who no longer have their infection confirmed by a PCR test is likely to increase – the infection is therefore not included in the official statistics.

According to the new information, 261 deaths were recorded in Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 238 deaths. The number of corona-infected patients who came to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 6.04 according to the RKI on Wednesday (Tuesday: 5.9). These include people with a positive corona test who have another main disease.

Corona in Germany: That was decided at the summit

Update from February 16, 6:41 p.m .: After months of corona restrictions in Germany, extensive easing is in sight in a good four weeks. However, certain safeguards should remain in place in the spring. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the prime ministers agreed on Wednesday on a plan for gradual openings up to a possible end to all drastic conditions on March 20th. Even after that, however, “basic protection” with mask requirements indoors, on buses and trains and with tests should be possible. A nationwide legal basis is being sought for this.

Corona summit: gradual relaxation

Specifically, as a first step , restrictions on those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered are to be lifted. Private meetings should again be possible for them “without limiting the number of participants”, as the decision states. The access rule only for vaccinated and recovered people (2G) in retail, which has already been abandoned in many countries, is to be abolished nationwide, but medical masks are to remain mandatory.

In a second step , from March 4th, access to the catering and hotel industry should not only be possible for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, but also with a negative test (3G). At major events, including in sports, more vaccinated or recovered spectators (2G) should be allowed than before – a maximum of 6,000 people inside, a maximum of 25,000 people outside.

In a third and final step on March 20th, “all more profound” measures should then be dropped if the situation in the clinics allows it. Before that, Scholz and the prime ministers want to meet again on March 17th. The Chancellor made it clear that he did not believe in terms such as “Freedom Day” with regard to the opening steps. They would not be appropriate to the seriousness of the situation.

Minister press conference: Scholz promotes corona vaccinations

In the ministerial press conference, Scholz again urged more vaccinations and the planned general corona vaccination obligation. It will be necessary exactly when the weather gets colder again and infections could increase again. This is also confirmed in the resolution by the prime ministers. Scholz said the goal was that the obligation should take effect on October 1st. This provides for a draft by deputies from the traffic light groups for general vaccination from the age of 18.

Corona in Germany: Saarland cancels contact tracing

Update from February 16, 2 p.m.: The Saarland state parliament has lifted the contact tracing of corona infected people. On Wednesday in Saarbrücken, the parliament unanimously decided to amend the relevant law. In hotels, restaurants and cinemas, for example, contact details no longer have to be given. The justification for the law states that in view of the high number of new infections every day and the limited capacities of the health authorities as well as the good protection of boosted people, contact tracing should be abolished.

State Minister of Health Monika Bachmann emphasized that a complete lifting of all measures is currently “unthinkable”. But it was “absolutely right” to advise on opening prospects. The measures in force would have to be continuously checked for their proportionality. Protective measures are still required. SPD parliamentary group leader Ulrich Commerçon also said that the corona pandemic was by no means over for good. The mask requirement, for example, is still very useful.

Update from February 16, 1:50 p.m .: A 35-year-old has severe symptoms. The young mother is sick in bed – with a second corona infection. She is vaccinated, boosted and just recovered. How can that be?

Corona in Germany: Vaccination speed picks up again minimally

Update from February 16, 12:30 p.m .: The number of corona vaccinations in Germany has increased again. According to the Robert Koch Institute on Wednesday, around 179,000 vaccine doses were administered on Tuesday, significantly more than the previous day (106,000). The value is similar to Friday last week (193,000).

Of these, around 43,000 doses led to a primary immunization, for which two injections are usually required. The majority of around 122,000 doses were for booster vaccinations. Around 74.9 percent of the population (62.3 million people) have basic protection. At least 55.7 percent (46.3 million) also have a booster shot.

76.1 percent (63.3 million) received at least one vaccine dose. 23.9 percent of the population are unvaccinated, 19.8 million people. However, no vaccine has been approved for 4 million of them (4.8 percent) because they are under five years old.

Update from February 16, 11:30 a.m .: The federal-state summit of the neighboring German-speaking country is also on February 16. An opening plan for March is said to have been leaked in advance.

Original report from February 16, 2022: Berlin – Good news at the start of Wednesday: The nationwide incidence has fallen for the fourth day in a row. This increases the evidence that the omicron wave really breaks. The RKI reports a value of 1401.0 in the morning. For comparison: the day before it was still 1437.5. However, these figures currently only provide limited information. Experts assume that there is a high number of unreported cases that are not recorded in the RKI data.

Corona incidence in Germany continues to fall – Lauterbach cautiously optimistic

But Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is also cautiously optimistic about the future: “We have reached the peak of the Omicron wave,” affirmed the SPD politician. “However, we will have to live with its after-effects for a while.”

Before today’s prime ministers’ conference *, he therefore opposed a complete reduction in the Corona * requirements. More should remain possible than mask and distance. Lauterbach told the German Press Agency in Berlin that it was time to relax with a sense of proportion. Lauterbach emphasized to the dpa that it was time to relax with a sense of proportion. However, it is still necessary to be able to react quickly and flexibly to the pandemic. “The virus doesn’t go away overnight.”

Corona loosening: Lauterbach makes it clear – “We cannot completely reduce the requirements”

For Lauterbach it is clear: “The federal states need a larger Corona cutlery.” In legislation, too, one has to adapt to life with Corona. In the meantime, fewer people have contracted the virus. “But the number of hospital admissions will continue to rise for several days,” warns the SPD politician. “In addition, the proportion of older people infected has increased, but their protection is particularly important.”

The minister emphasized: “So far we have come through this wave well, also in comparison to other affected countries in Europe.” Now the time has come to relax with a sense of proportion. But: “We cannot completely reduce the Corona requirements.”

You can read more news about the corona virus here.* * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA (kof/dpa)

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