FunRock crystal: what is it, meaning, properties and benefits

Rock crystal: what is it, meaning, properties and benefits

The Greeks drank from calyxes made with this mineral. The Mayans used it in their rituals. The aborigines of Australia were convinced that it was increasing in strength and in ancient China, it was believed that it served to relieve thirst. We are talking about rock crystal, a type of stone that has been a source of admiration for centuries. For this reason, we now explain what it is, meaning, properties and benefits.Rock crystal: what it is, meaning, properties and benefitsThe rock crystal also known as quartz rock crystal is perhaps one of the purest minerals that exists. This is due to its raw, jagged and pointed structure. It is transparent with smooth faces and piezoelectric properties (converts mechanical energy into electromagnetism). Myths and legends about rock crystal Since ancient times, rock crystal appears in countless legends as it is considered an object with countless properties, the vast majority of which are “magic.” Its name derives from a Greek term “Kristallos” that corresponded to transparent ice. The ancient Greeks considered rock crystal to be made up of frozen water so compressed that it was incapable of being melted. In Indian philosophy, however, it was seen as a powerful energizer of the vital energy itself. In Japan, rock crystal also has a lot of symbolism and in fact, for them it is known as a “perfect jewel”, since they consider it the symbolic representation of infinity, the immensity of the Universe, as well as constancy and essentiality.The myth and fame of this mineral even reached Europe, when the Crusaders exported it in the form of spheres and the belief that they were magical tools spread, so much so that a long time later, they were used in Ireland and Scotland for the care of livestock The properties of rock crystal Currently, the use made of rock crystal varies according to its specific form, to which different qualities are attributed but, among the most used properties are the spiritual ones, since it is said that promotes the expansion of the soul, but not only this but it is even capable of promoting connection with other entities, making trips to other dimensions, as well as facilitating the awakening of the Chakras (specifically, it is connected with the seventh chakra) and It is believed that sleeping next to this mineral encourages premonitory dreams. On the other hand, it is believed that due to its structure and resonance it also has the property of increasing l the energies of the rest of the stones with which it comes into contact. It could also neutralize negative energies and increase positive ones. Especially, rock crystal favors all physical energies and their Chakra points, and also develops our psychic qualities, facilitating even ease towards paranormal activities. Excellent for meditation, since is able to calm us down and make us connect with ourselves, rock crystal also makes us have a better relationship with others by enhancing our good feelings and increasing positive energy. The powers of rock crystal Along with the listed properties, the crystal Rock is a mineral full of “powers” to balance our body.In fact, it is believed that it is even capable of strengthening the immune system (if you drink water containing this quartz), in addition to reducing fever. It is also believed to be capable of canceling radiation from mobile devices, and rock crystal is said to have beneficial effects in combating thyroid, eye, lung, lymphatic and glandular system problems. Other powers of this rock are to strengthen the heart and help circulation. It is also said to be a beneficial stone for the skeletal system, particularly for the back and lower back pain. A good way to use this mineral is to put it in a glass of water overnight and then drink that the next morning on an empty stomach for 1-2 months, being careful not to skip the treatment. Its capacity for action is due to its vitalizing, purifying and luminous force, making our energetic force more fluctuating. In doing so, it radiates all other stones and our aura with light.

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