NewsRoyals in red: These hot looks cannot be overlooked

Royals in red: These hot looks cannot be overlooked

The color is a guarantee for a really big appearance. Anyone who goes too bright red will draw everyone’s attention. The royals too are playing with the fiery effect of calculated excitement.

London – If you don’t want to get lost in the monotony of the covered colors, you rely on the color, which according to psychology has a lot of meaning. Because red triggers a mini-conflict in the brain when looking at it. The powerful nuance is both a warning and a sensual signal that no one can ignore. So it’s no wonder that royals use them for their purposes.
These ladies in red wanted to be seen, reveals*

Duchess Kate: In a red blazer, she pulls out all the stops on her own behalf

Herzogin Kate sausst im roten Blazer im PlayLab eine Kinderrutsche herunter.


February 2022: It is Duchess Kate’s* (40) first solo assignment abroad. In Denmark she will meet Crown Princess Mary* (50) and Queen Margrethe II* (81), but the first day is about her heart project and the topic of her foundation for early childhood development. Nothing is left to chance. No photographer in the world can miss it when the second most popular British Royal* in a red blazer and high heels zooms down a children’s slide, beaming.

Duchess Meghan: Spreads glamorous vibes as a designer lady in red

Die Sussexes blicken in Galarobe vom Eingang über die Schulter zurück


November 2021: In Carolina Herrera’s off-the-shoulder silk dress with a deep V-neck, Duchess Meghan (40) enchanted her fan base and had an unforgettable red carpet moment * with Prince Harry (37) in a tuxedo. The Duchess of Sussex* had spared neither cost nor effort* for her short trip to the Big Apple. She is said to have even practiced the shoulder look for the photographers.

Queen Elizabeth II: In bright red, she shows the world how proud she is of grandson Prince William

Prinz William und Queen Elizabeth II. im Hangar.


April 2011: The head of the British monarchy may not be the tallest at 1.63 meters in length, but the Queen (95) does not need any tutoring when it comes to visibility. Thanks to the unmistakable color statements of her royal ensembles*, she is usually best seen. When she visited the then 29-year-old Prince William (39) as a rescue pilot in the military training camp, she proudly presented the representative offspring of the monarchy. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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