NewsRumors of a possible Putin daughter: the woman who...

Rumors of a possible Putin daughter: the woman who hides her face

Luisa Rosowa looks like a typical representative of the golden youth of Saint Petersburg. But when asked whether her father’s name is Vladimir Putin, she remains silent.

Saint Petersburg – What do you dream of? “I don’t know,” replies Luisa Rosowa. In general, she is in love right now, has the feeling that she doesn’t need any more in life. “There is only love and no dreams.” In some places Rosowa is very open in her most recent interview with the Russian youth portal “SRSLY”, which is devoted to bloggers, musicians and influencers. But as always when dealing with journalists, Rosova hides her face. And avoid answering the question of whether Vladimir Putin is her father.

The public does not know much about Luisa Rosova from Saint Petersburg. In November, the portal “Project”, by no means a revolver, but known for solidly researched backgrounds, published an article about her mother Swetlana Kriwonogich. Allegedly, she was once a close to intimate friend of the Russian President. Thanks to this acquaintance, Ms. Kriwonogich became the owner of real estate and bank assets worth the equivalent of 20 million euros. Her daughter, who first had the middle-class first name Jelisaveta, but listened to the patronymic Vladimirovich. Since then, Luisa has been traded as a possible third, albeit illegitimate, daughter of Putin, the tsar’s daughter with a question mark. However, the “Portal” editorial team had to close in July because the Russian authorities had classified it as an “undesirable organization”.

Connection to Vladimir Putin: Luisa Rosova is mysterious

Rosowa is very careful about her ambiguous fame. She shows no face on her Instagram account with 85,000 subscribers. Every few months she gives an interview, once she appeared in the audio chat “Clubhouse”, once as a DJ in the Moscow youth club “Rowesnik”. This is considered critical of the regime and supported Alexei Navalny’s anti-corruption foundation FBK financially until it was banned in June. You ask them whether they look like the president. “Judging by his youth photos, probably yes.” But there are a lot of people who are similar to Mr Putin.

Rosova does not pose with botox lips, Italian luxury sports cars or tame cougars on the richrussianskids Instagram page, on which the offspring of Moscow billionaires in particular are staged. “The children of successful parents in Petersburg do not particularly like publicity,” explains the society journalist Leonti Kasatkin to the channel “TV-Rain”. “These zoomers want to show something. Just having fun is not enough for them.

Sometimes simple, sometimes smart: Putin’s alleged illegitimate daughter is making fashion

Rosowa is studying cultural management for cinema, theater, painting, design and fashion in Saint Petersburg. She publishes her own clothing brand called “123th ave”, but says it’s just a hobby – like DJ music or photography. She’s afraid of getting too immersed in something because she might then no longer like it. Sounds creative, but also a bit idle, like everyday princesses. She was recently in Paris to recharge her batteries in the fashion city. But in Paris or Amsterdam she is only out and about with her Russian friends, who are more open-hearted than Europeans. On the other hand, she thinks the posters with men kissing each other in Paris are cool, and she has homosexual friends herself, with whom it is a lot of fun to go shopping.

Rosowa is sometimes simple, sometimes smart, ignores Tiktok, raves about Elisabeth Gilbert’s novel “City of Girls” and writers like Remarque and Orwell. In “Clubhouse” she is asked what she thinks of Putin’s comment on the poison attack on Navalny. Putin had declared that if you wanted to kill Navalny, he would be dead too. Rosova goes back a long way with her answer: There is a “golden billion”, an association of the super-rich that has instigated all this trouble with Corona. “You kill people, I believe that. If ordinary people can do that, why not the state for sensible purposes? ”Not that she is for it, but there is such a thing and you live with it. “SRSLY” also asks what she would say to the President at a meeting? Luisa explains that she wants to ask him a question: “Why?” The readership is left with many answers that they have to come up with for themselves. (Stefan Scholl)

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