NewsSecret Dinner: William and Harry put differences aside for...

Secret Dinner: William and Harry put differences aside for Queen Elizabeth

Created: 09/16/2022, 8:46 am

Prince William and Prince Harry put their argument to rest for an important moment of grief. In order to be able to say goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II, the brothers approach each other.

LONDON – The departure of Queen Elizabeth II (96, † 2022) brings about something that the British royals have failed to do in recent months. The royal family grows closer and mourns the loss of a forgetful monarch. The estranged brothers William (40) and Harry (38) seem to find each other again.

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Many Britons have long wished for Prince William and Prince Harry to get closer again, but it has now come about for a sad reason. Since the Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan Markle (41) were already in England when the Queen died, the couple also took part in the funeral ceremonies for the regent, who died at the age of 96.

Die große Trauer um Queen Elizabeth II. vereint sie: William und Kate und Harry und Meghan haben in den vergangenen Tage gemeinsame Momente des Abschieds geteilt. (Fotomontage)
The great grief for Queen Elizabeth II unites them: William and Kate and Harry and Meghan have shared moments of farewell in the past few days. (Photomontage) © Chris Jackson/Geoff Pugh/dpa

Side by side, William and Harry followed the funeral procession for Queen Elizabeth II. Hours earlier, another meeting is said to have taken place. As reported by the “Page Six” portal, both Prince William and Kate Middleton (40) as well as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attended a dinner together at Buckingham Palace. Other members of the Royal Family were also believed to be present at the intimate dinner held following the Queen’s coffin reception on Tuesday evening (September 13).

Despite rapprochement: William and Harry still have a rocky road ahead of them

The sons of King Charles III will also attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. (73) meet again. The funeral service will probably be followed by an audience of millions, who will not miss any sign of distance or proximity.

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The signs in the palace are currently pointing to reconciliation, William and Harry certainly still have to overcome many hurdles, but reconciliation seems within reach at the moment. With his departure from the royal family and the public accusations that followed, Prince Harry has sidelined himself – a position he cannot easily leave. Sources used:

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