NewsSexism debate about health insurance clip with porn actress

Sexism debate about health insurance clip with porn actress

Excitement about a clip by Techniker Krankenkasse on the subject of early detection of testicular cancer. The appearance of the video is based on the look of porn films. There is criticism online, but there is also encouragement.

Berlin – “Sexist and not funny” or “well done”? The educational video of a health insurance company with a porn actress has received a lot of criticism on the Internet, but also encouragement.

With its clip, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) actually wanted to draw attention to the need for early detection of testicular cancer. Title of the video: “The life-saving hand job: How to feel your testicles”.

The action and appearance of the clip with a young man and the porn actress Anny Aurora is initially clearly based on the look of porn films. About halfway through, the video briefly pauses and explains how you can diagnose cancer early by palpating the testicles.

The campaign sparked debate on social media. “Sexist and not funny,” she calls author Tara-Louise Wittwer on Instagram. “The video reveals how little we trust men,” writes another user on Twitter.

The video was defended by the FDP politician Konstantin Kuhle, among others: “Instead of ranting about the successful testicular cancer education of the Techniker Krankenkasse in a narrow-minded, narrow-minded way, we should give them full responsibility for advertising the corona vaccination right away! Good job,” Kuhle wrote in a tweet.

The TK itself also expressed itself in a statement: “We would like to make one thing clear in advance: diversity, equality and respectful cooperation are very important to us.” They “consciously chose an unusual approach and placed the information about it in a pornographic environment.” However, this statement also caused a stir. A user, for example, wrote on Instagram: “This statement only makes it worse!” dpa

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