Dyed blonde and with a mohawk: Alessio Lombardi-Engels’ new hairstyle started a public dispute between Pietro Lombardi and Sarah Engels. She was shocked, suggesting that everything happened behind her back. Now the DSDS jury adds: “She knows the truth”.
Cologne – Pietro Lombardi (30) actually wanted to celebrate his unborn baby’s gender reveal party with his last Instagram clip, it will be a boy. It also featured his son Alessio, who comes from the marriage to DSDS colleague Sarah Engels (29). Apparently also with new hair, which surprised the mother so much that she left an astonished comment that was later deleted – Pietro is now clarifying that.
“What on earth happened to the hair?”: Sarah Engels shocked by Alessio’s new haircut
“Congratulations! But what on earth happened to my son’s hair?” Sarah Engels wrote in horror under Pietro Lombardi’s video, in which son Alessio suddenly had blonde hair and a mohawk haircut. Lombardi replied: “Sometimes a congratulation is enough. You can also tell me the other privately. But I think it’s good and so does the little one.” A little later, both comments were deleted again.
The brief exchange of blows suggested: Papa Pietro decided on Alessio’s new hairstyle without Mama Sarah’s knowledge. At the “Children’s Day 2022” event, Sarah Engels told the Bild newspaper her reaction: “I was honestly shocked because I didn’t know that his hair was dyed.”
Many patchwork families in Germany
The system of the patchwork family continues to grow as a way of life. However, there are no uniform figures for this, you have to work with estimates. Depending on the data source, around 7-13 percent of families in Germany are stepfamilies or patchwork families, according to a publication by the Federal Ministry.
“She knows the truth”: Pietro Lombardi follows up in the public dispute with Sarah Engels
The DSDS juror apparently sees it very differently and has now also commented on bild.de. Lombardi: “She knows the truth about the whole hair story. What people think or what she says, how shocked she is that she supposedly didn’t know anything … I’ll leave it at that. I don’t want to start a hunt here. If Sarah says she didn’t know anything, I’ll leave it at that. She knows the TRUTH.”
The soon-to-be father of two continues: “This is about hair, not something vital. I can say one thing: I would never do anything behind her back. Sarah knows when I cut his hair – for seven years.”
Even when Pietro Lombardi’s friend Laura Maria Rypa announced her pregnancy, a comment by Sarah Engels attracted attention online. With the words “bumpy start” Sarah Engels sent ambiguous congratulations. Sources used : instagram.com/pietrolombardi; instagram.com/sarellax3; bild.de; bmfsfj.de