Bianca Classen alias BibisBeautyPalace has disappeared from the scene. Her followers haven’t heard from her since May. An influencer met her by chance and shows a current picture: The fans are now very concerned about the YouTube star.
Cologne – The two YouTube stars BibisBeautyPalace and Julienco, aka Bianca (29) and Julian Claßen (29), have been separated since May. While Julian openly shows his new relationship with Tanja Makaric (25) on Instagram, Bibi has largely withdrawn. At first you could still see some fan pictures of her with her probably new boyfriend Timothy Hill, but that has also faded in the meantime. An influencer met the YouTuber in Cologne and describes her impression.
Current picture of BibisBeautyPalace worries fans
Bibi Classen seems to have disappeared. For weeks there has been no current picture of the former social media star, who reported on her life every day. The last picture is from the end of May, before that you can see revealing pictures that were not particularly well received by many fans.

BibisBeautyPalace also got some nasty comments from her 8.2 million followers for her kissing photos with Timothy Hill. In the meantime, they not only miss their fans, they even worry. It also contributes to the fact that Bibi had an injury to her arm on a short clip that a friend uploaded.
She didn’t want a selfie: influencer persuaded Bianca Claßen to take a photo
The influencer with the Instagram name jolineelisa (756,000 followers) met Bibi Claßen by chance in an H&M store in Cologne. At first she didn’t dare to speak to the 29-year-old, but apparently she did and took a selfie with her. Apparently, Bibi was not very enthusiastic about this: the blonde had to ask twice before BibisBeautyPalace agreed, as she explains on TikTok. She describes her impression as follows: “Ah man people, I swear … she’s not doing well. She’s not feeling well at all.”
Under the TikTok video, many fans comment on the shared selfie. “You can just see that she is hurt and sad, miss her,” it says, for example. “What has become of her” or “She just looks like a completely different person: so unhappy, forced smile, rays in the eyes away,” it says. An employee on site apparently had the same impression: “I also saw her yesterday at H&M because I work there…she was also at my checkout…she really didn’t look happy”.
The BibisBeautyPalace recipe for success
YouTuber Bianca Heinicke, as she was born, uploaded her first video to the platform in 2012. Her channel now has over 6 million subscribers and, according to, generates an average of 45,000 clicks per month, which corresponds to around 60,000 euros. Add to that her own beauty line, music, affiliate links, collaborations and voice acting. The site estimates the fortune of the influencer at five million euros, and annual earnings at 1.5 million euros.
Recently, there was also speculation as to whether BibisBeautyPalace and Timothy Hill had split again. In any case, Bianca cannot currently be booked via social media. Sources used:; tiktok/xj0line; tik tok;