NewsSöder's ministers announce changes to the alarm system in...

Söder's ministers announce changes to the alarm system in Bavaria – and admit enormous problems with vaccination

After the violent storms in Bavaria, the cabinet dealt with the consequences of the flood. An emergency aid package of 50 million euros was announced at a press conference.

  • The Bavarian cabinet dealt with the flood disaster and Corona * on Tuesday (see first report).
  • Markus Söder * promised quick help after the heavy storms *. His ministers announced a change in alerting in Bavaria (see update from July 20, 12.35 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from July 20, 3 p.m .: Bavaria’s Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) has promised the people affected by the flood quick financial help – if necessary in cash. The details are currently being checked with the local authorities. But everything should go quickly, he said in the state parliament on Tuesday.

According to the cabinet decision on Tuesday, anyone who was insured against flooding will receive up to 5,000 euros. The emergency aid and the insurance benefits will then be offset against each other later, so the emergency aid may have to be paid back. If someone was not insured, they can get up to 2500 euros in immediate aid. Regardless of this, Füracker emphasized that Bavaria had not left anyone alone when they were in dire need of existence. “Threatening existence means that the Free State of Bavaria will definitely help,” emphasized the minister.

Söder’s ministers announce changes to the alarm system in Bavaria – and admit that there are enormous problems with vaccination

Update from July 20, 12:35 p.m.: The residents in eight districts particularly affected by the flood receive up to 50 million euros in emergency aid from the state government. “The Bavarian state government will not let anyone down who has got into an emergency due to floods,” said State Chancellor Florian Herrmann on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting in Munich. The state must stand up for the people in such situations.

In the meantime, the situation in Bavaria could be said to be easing, he said. In order to improve the advance warning of people in the future, more sirens should be used again when alerting the population. If it has to be “very, very fast”, there are situations in which warning apps are too imprecise and too vague.

However, the cabinet limited the regions entitled to the aid payments to the eight districts of Fürth, Kitzingen, Schweinfurt, Hof, Berchtesgadener Land, Ansbach, Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim and Erlangen-Höchstadt. How high the damage will actually be in the end cannot be foreseen at the moment.

Bavaria sets flood aid and admits enormous problems with vaccination

In addition to the flood aid, the corona pandemic was also an issue in the cabinet. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek said at the press conference afterwards that the numbers would rise continuously and admitted: “We are currently experiencing a difficult situation with vaccinations. The vaccination fatigue is actually there. ”One now has to create vaccination offers that are as low-threshold as possible.

Corona and severe weather consequences in Bavaria: The press conference of the Söder ministers in re-live

In addition to the flood disaster: Söder-Kabinett also met on Corona – the press conference for reading

12.22 p.m .: Health Minister Klaus Holetschek speaks. “Of course we didn’t lose sight of the Corona issue.” The numbers would rise continuously, and the incidence was also rising – at a low level. Continue to rely on caution and prudence. The trade fair concept was set in motion today to make events possible again.

What will be important is what impact the trips have. As an example, he cites school trips, which have caused numerous corona cases. “We are currently experiencing a difficult situation with vaccination. The vaccination fatigue is actually there, ”says Holetschek. You still have to add more, he demands. One must create vaccination offers “as low-threshold as possible”. What will continue to be done: You will prepare for the topic of booster vaccinations.

After the flood disaster in Bavaria: Heavy rain will become more and more of an issue in the next few years

12.13 p.m.: Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber is after Florian Herrmann’s turn. He too expresses his condolences to those affected. The Berchtesgaden case shows that there was “an excellent cooperation” with the DWD and the Ministry of the Interior. This enabled people to be warned and relief measures to be initiated early. An extreme level of damage and two deaths are still to be complained about. You have to be clear that in the next few years you will have to do even more with heavy rain and flood management, he warns.

After the flood disaster in Bavaria: Söder government resolves aid package for those affected by storms

12.10 p.m .: To help people, Herrmann explains: The emergency aid package that was launched today has the main motto “The Free State will not let anyone down.” However, it is clear that the extent of the damage is currently not exactly be clear. But today it was about emergency aid (package of 50 million). Who can get this For example, private households in severely affected districts, including Berchtesgadener Land, Ansbach, Neustadt an der Aisch, Erlangen-Höchstadt, Schweinfurt and Hof, are entitled. In the event of a threatened existence, even grants of up to 100 percent of the damage are possible.

12:05 p.m .: One could report from a “relaxing situation”, so Herrmann. Ask yourself the question: what can you learn from it? The question of alerting the population arose, reports the State Chancellery – especially when warnings are only possible at short notice and things have to be done very quickly. The interior minister should present a concept for the “population warning”. Sirens might be a way of alerting people. Push SMS should also be considered. It is better not to wait for someone to inform themselves, but “to be reached day and night.”

Söder-Kabinett meets on flood consequences: press conference now live

12 noon : The press conference begins. State Chancellor Florian Herrmann has the floor. The flood situation was the focus of today’s meeting. A minute’s silence was started to express the “deep compassion” for the victims and their families. Herrmann thanks the numerous helpers who were on duty. “The big thanks go to the rescue organizations, the fire brigades, the THW”, he lists. This would have done “very impressive work”.

Nobody should be left in the lurch, so the tenor of today’s meeting. For quick and unbureaucratic help, a package of measures with – initially – a volume of up to 50 million euros has been decided. The Minister of the Interior also reported that the operation in Berchtesgaden had been very successful. The warnings would have worked in Bavaria, warnings were given in good time of impending floods, according to Herrmann.

Update from July 20, 11:25 a.m .: The effects of the recent flood disaster and the rising corona numbers occupy the Bavarian cabinet in the morning. There will be a press conference after the meeting. You can follow them here in the live ticker and stream at 12 noon.

Söder promises quick help after the flood disaster – the cabinet also meets on rising corona numbers

First report from July 20, 9:07 a.m .: Munich – After the recent flood disaster in Bavaria, the cabinet will deal with the consequences on Tuesday (9 a.m.). Some places in the Berchtesgadener Land were devastated with heavy rain * at the weekend after heavy storms. In Passau, too, the worst had been expected. However, the Danube and Inn did not rise as much as feared. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU *) had promised the people affected by the flood in the regions quick help.

Storm in Bavaria: Söder promises flood victims quick help

Now it is clear: The flood victims in the Free State are to receive 50 million euros in emergency aid. “The federal government has already announced that it will make 300 million euros available, and today we will first provide 50 million euros for emergency aid,” said the CSU chief to Bayerischer Rundfunk on Tuesday.

Private households should receive up to 5000 euros in emergency aid, said Söder to the radio station Bayern 2. If entire lives are affected, then there could be a 100 percent replacement. That is similar to the flood disaster in Deggendorf in 2013. The payout runs through the appropriate offices on site.

Storm in Bavaria – Söder: “State must help when it becomes existential”

Insurance is the basis for regulating the damage, said Söder. However, people who have not insured their homes are also entitled to help – namely when the need is particularly great. “My basic view as Prime Minister is that a state demands a lot from its citizens, but it also has to help when it becomes existential,” said Söder.

Söder-Kabinett meets on flood disaster and corona pandemic – seven-day incidence is increasing

In addition, the Council of Ministers is also discussing the Corona * situation. Because the delta variant of the virus continues to spread, the number of new infections in Bavaria has risen significantly in the past few days. The seven-day incidence * was 10.7 on Monday, according to the Robert Koch Institute *. In some Bavarian municipalities such as the cities of Bamberg or Amberg, the value has already climbed back above the 30 mark. In the state capital Munich, too, the incidence, at 17.9, is already significantly higher than it was recently.

After the cabinet meeting there will be a press conference at 12 noon. State Chancellor Florian Herrmann, Health Minister Klaus Holetschek and Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber will report on the results of the meeting there. (kam / dpa) * / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

By the way: The most important stories from the Free State are now also available in our brand new, regular Bayern newsletter.

List of rubric lists: © Felix Hörhager / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk

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