There will be a partial solar eclipse today. On Tuesday, October 25th, it’s worth taking a look at the sky. At what time is it observed over Germany?
Bremen – The solar eclipse is the celestial spectacle par excellence in October 2022. Because with the partial solar eclipse, a real celestial event is coming up on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, which not only astronomy fans are waiting for with great excitement. In contrast to the super moon in August 2022, you don’t have to be a night owl for the solar eclipse in October 2022 either. The eclipse can already be seen throughout Germany in the early noon.
Nevertheless, clear regional differences can be determined in partial solar eclipses over Germany, with which intensity the partial darkening of the sun on October 25th. can really be observed when the moon moves in front of the sun today. Therefore, the following applies: The further north or east, the better the spectacular sky event can be experienced in this country. And the time of the 2022 solar eclipse also varies from city to city.
Solar eclipse 2022 today in Germany: When to see the partial eclipse on Tuesday
But when can the solar eclipse be seen over Germany today? One thing is clear: everyone who is interested should at least keep their lunch break free for the solar eclipse on Tuesday, October 25th. On this day, the moon moves in front of the sun and causes a partial solar eclipse. Depending on where you live in Germany, the eclipse of the sun by the moon can be experienced to different degrees.

The start of today’s solar eclipse is calculated according to the sunrise at 10:48 a.m. Central European Time (CET) near Iceland. From that moment on, the shadow of the moon can be seen over Europe, Northeast Africa, the Middle East, Russia and India. The solar eclipse will come to an end on the west coast of the subcontinent at 15:02 our time.
Solar eclipse 2022 on Tuesday: When was the last solar eclipse in Germany?
Some will think back to August 11, 1999, when the last solar eclipse was observed over Germany. Astronomy enthusiasts rushed to supermarkets and stocked up on sun goggles, lingered outside for hours intently watching the total solar eclipse across the sky. Even on the freeways, kilometers of traffic jams formed due to the total solar eclipse and brought traffic to a standstill.
The eclipse on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, will probably not be such a spectacle. Because today there is “only” a partial solar eclipse, but it is not the longest of the century, like November 2021, when the moon moves in front of the sun.
When the solar eclipse can be observed today on October 25, 2022 over Germany’s cities
In the south of Germany, around Munich, the degree of coverage is over 23 percent, which allows you to observe it live during the solar eclipse on October 25th. During the solar eclipse today over Germany in the east and north, such as in Lower Saxony, more than 30 percent of the sun can be admired, which disappears behind the visible moon disk. The exact degree of coverage of the respective major cities at the peak of the solar eclipse on October 25, 2022 as well as the time when the partial solar eclipse begins, the eclipse reaches its maximum and when it ends can be found in the following table or on the website look for the solar eclipse.
Solar eclipse today: At what time the eclipse can be seen on Tuesday in Germany
city | degree of coverage | Start (CET) | Maximum (CET) | end (CET) |
Berlin | 32.3 percent | 11:09:49 | 12:13:54 | 13:19:21 |
Dresden | 31.2 percent | 11:11:22 | 12:15:16 | 13:20:31 |
Hamburg | 29.6 percent | 11:07:42 | 12:09:31 | 13:12:54 |
Rostock | 29.6 percent | 11:08:00 | 12:11:36 | 13:16:38 |
Hanover: 27.6 | 27.6 percent | 11:08:42 | 12:09:47 | 13:12:28 |
Bremen: 27.53 | 27.53 percent | 11:07:46 | 12:08:24 | 13:10:41 |
Munich: 23.6 | 23.6 percent | 11:14:14 | 12:14:41 | 13:16:36 |
Frankfurt: 22.9 | 22.9 percent | 11:10:59 | 12:09:46 | 13:10:12 |
Cologne | 22.12 percent | 11:09:40 | 12:07:18 | 13:06:38 |
Stuttgart | 21.53 percent | 11:12:52 | 12:11:13 | 13:11:09 |
How does a solar eclipse occur?
What exactly happens during a solar eclipse?
According to the definition of a solar eclipse, the moon is between the earth and the sun. This is how the umbra of the moon falls on parts of the earth. The sun, moon and earth must be in line. Depending on the degree of coverage of sunlight by the moon, there are total or weakened forms of solar eclipse.
The result of a solar eclipse: the sunlight becomes pale. The bright day turns to dusk. Within a very short time it seems as if someone turns the dimmer and the light goes out. The brightest stars are flaring up and where the glaring bright sun was just visible, there is now a pitch-black circle in the sky, surrounded by a fiery, finely structured halo of light. A total solar eclipse!
How many types of solar eclipse are there?
There are four different types of solar eclipse. Total, partial, annular and hybrid solar eclipse. During an eclipse, the sun, moon and earth must line up. Although the moon is about 400 times smaller than the sun, the sun happens to be 400 times farther away, so the moon is still able to completely eclipse the sun. To observe a total solar eclipse, however, one must be directly in the umbra of the moon. If you are a little further north or south of the umbra, you will experience a partial solar eclipse, as the moon then no longer completely covers the sun.
- What types of solar eclipse are there?
- Total Solar Eclipse
- Partial Solar Eclipse
- Annular solar eclipse
- Hybrid Solar Eclipse
The elliptical orbits of the earth and moon ensure that the moon sometimes appears smaller than the sun when the earth’s satellite moves in front of it. Then it is impossible for the moon, even if it is in the center of the sun, to cover it completely. The “ring of light” observed around the moon as a result of the phenomenon gives the annular eclipse its name. A hybrid solar eclipse, on the other hand, is an interplay of annular and total solar eclipse. Decisive for which eclipse you see in the end is the place where you are and position in the shadow of the moon.
What is the difference between a partial solar eclipse and a total solar eclipse?
In a total solar eclipse, the sun disappears completely behind the moon. Or at least that’s the impression you get from Earth. During the short period of total solar eclipse, it can get so dark during the day that stars can be seen in the sky. The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse upsets even the animal world. For example, birds believe that night has fallen and stop singing for the duration of the total solar eclipse.
During a partial solar eclipse, however, only part of the sun is covered by the moon. In fact, however, the impression is deceptive. During a partial eclipse, the moon only partially crosses the path of the sun’s rays. This gives the impression that the sun is missing a little bit.
When can the next solar eclipse be observed in Germany?
When can the next solar eclipse be seen in Germany?
The next time you can see the moon from Germany, how it partially moves in front of the sun, is on October 25, 2022. After that you have to wait two and a half years until it comes again on October 25, 2022 March 29, 2025 comes to this celestial spectacle. Both times you can see a partial eclipse. A total solar eclipse can only be observed in Germany on September 3, 2081.
Dates for the next solar eclipse
- Partial solar eclipse: October 25, 2022 at 08:58 (UTC)
- Hybrid Solar Eclipse: April 20, 2023 at 01:34 (UTC)
- Annular solar eclipse: October 14, 2023 at 15:03 (UTC)
- Total solar eclipse: April 8, 2024 at 15:42 (UTC)
- Annular solar eclipse: October 2, 2024 at 15:42 (UTC)
What to consider during today’s partial solar eclipse – protect the retina with glasses
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter has already issued a warning for the partial solar eclipse on October 25 to observe the spectacle with the naked eye. While the Perseids in October 2022 or the largest supermoon of the year in July 2022 could be observed without damage and without protection, the office recommends not doing this during the eclipse. Instead, protect your eyes with eclipse goggles, which you can craft or buy for eclipses today. However, conventional sunglasses and welding goggles, sooty glass, X-rays, CDs, folded emergency blankets and black film strips should not be considered for observing the eclipse as they do not reliably protect the eyes.

In any case, one should not look at the sun with the naked eye. This can cause irreparable damage to the eyes and even blindness. Conventional sunglasses or creative DIY projects also offer no protection. If you want to protect yourself safely to observe the partial solar eclipse, you should not only consider special solar eclipse glasses. These light protection goggles have special filter foils that only let through one hundred-thousandth of the sunlight.
Solar eclipse glasses: Light protection glasses according to EU standards and with the CE symbol – or pinhole cameras instead of glasses
Furthermore, when buying solar eclipse glasses, care should be taken to ensure that they are marked with a notice that the glasses are safe according to EU standards in order to be able to look directly into the sun. Furthermore, it must bear the CE symbol and show no signs of damage. Good safety goggles have particularly wide temples and fit snugly on the face so that as little light as possible hits the eyes past the lenses.
However, the Federal Office names a camera obscura, i.e. a pinhole camera in which only the projection of the partial solar eclipse is visible, as the safest method for observing the partial solar eclipse in October 2022 in Germany. A camera obscura is easy to build yourself and is also suitable for capturing the natural spectacle on October 25th. to watch with children.