NewsStefan Mross: cousin and aunt dead - Now the...

Stefan Mross: cousin and aunt dead – Now the mother of the hit star speaks up

A man killed two women in Austria. It was apparently the cousin and aunt of Schlager star Stefan Mross. Now his mother speaks up.

Update from May 8, 2021 : A terrible stroke of fate befell the family of Schlager star Stefan Mross: his aunt and cousin were killed by their ex-boyfriend last Wednesday (May 5) near Salzburg (see first report from May 7) May). Now Stefan Mross’ mother spoke up about the terrible act in which she lost her sister and niece.

Compared to , she was still stunned about the terrible death of the two women. “We are all infinitely sad and devastated,” said Stefanie Mross. On the day she died, she even spoke to her sister on the phone, reveals the 80-year-old. “We had talked so fondly. I also said to her: ‘Take care of yourself’ “. The bereaved also said about her niece affectionately: “My niece was also very sweet. We have always been a good family. ”Her son Klaus brought the news of the murder. She trembled so, reports Mross.

Schlager star Stefan Mross: cousin and aunt dead – terrible bloody deed in Salzburg

First report from May 7, 2021 : Salzburg – Terrible bloody act near Salzburg: A man killed a 50-year-old woman and her 76-year-old mother there. It is said to be the cousin and aunt of Schlager star Stefan Mross. The officials confirmed this to ntv and RTL.

What happened? According to the Salzburg police, a 51-year-old man from Mozart’s city broke armed into the house of his former partner in the late evening of May 5th. There, in the municipality of Wals-Siezenheim, he then fired the fatal shots. A witness had observed the act and the man’s escape – and immediately notified the police.

Stefan Mross: cousin and aunt shot in Salzburg

The search was initially unsuccessful, but: The man confessed to the double murder in a voice message! According to the officials, he sent this to an acquaintance. “A short time later he contacted the police emergency number, stating that he was armed with two handguns and that he wanted to take his own life,” the Salzburg police said.

Emergency forces from the federal states of Salzburg, Upper Austria and neighboring Bavaria continued to look for Mross’ cousin’s ex-boyfriend, and the Cobra task force, a police helicopter with thermal imaging camera and the Salzburg negotiating group were also in action. In the early morning of May 6th, the 51-year-old presented himself. At around 4.30 a.m., he was taken away without resistance in the Abersee area on Wolfgangsee and was taken to the Salzburg police detention center. “The two loaded handguns, which he legally owned, were seized.” According to Extra Tip, the 51-year-old is a detective, although it is still unclear whether he is currently still in this job. * “The Salzburg State Criminal Police Office took over Crime scene work and all other investigative measures. The interrogations, investigations into the exact course of events and the investigation of the motive are in progress, ”the police report concludes. Allegedly, the ex-boyfriend stalked the 50-year-old, as the woman’s brother announced.

Stefan Mross: Relatives of the hit star killed

Musician and presenter Stefan Mross is known from TV formats such as “Immer wieder sonntags” * on ARD *, the 45-year-old was born in Traunstein in Upper Bavaria near the Austrian border. (akl) * Extratipp and are an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Header list image: © POP-EYE / Ben Kriemann via

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