FunStem cells: types and how they develop

Stem cells: types and how they develop

The issue of stem cells was one of the most talked about in the world after the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, on September 11, 2001, and although some of the controversies in this regard have since dissipated, it remains a This is a very important issue, especially in scientific fields where its scope and potential are still being discussed.

In general terms, we can define stem cells as the raw material of the human body , since it is from them that all other cells develop that fulfill especially certain roles within the organism, under specific conditions.

This causes the stem cells to appear daughter cells, as they are called, which will become stem cells or specialized cells, thus giving rise to the phenomena of self-renewal and differentiation.

In the second case we have blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, bone cells, etc. The other cells do not generate more cells.

However, when it comes to understanding the enormous interest generated worldwide around the cause of stem cells, we can mention projects related to the detection, classification, prevention and treatment against some of the most common diseases of these times.

Regenerative medicine proposes just that, the use of healthy cells to replace diseased cells, so that stem cells can be used to regenerate and replace damaged or diseased tissues, restoring health to people / patients.

Among the diagnoses that could have new hope from this, we have some such as type 1 diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, strokes, different kinds of cancer, spinal cord injuries , etc.

Modern science continues to carry out tests and trials of such cells, learning about their application in the field of regenerative medicine and transplantation, experimenting with them and their reaction to drugs, thus avoiding doing it in living human beings.

How do they develop?

Researchers point to various origins, among which we can mention embryonic cells, adult cells and modified adult cells, induced pluripotent, to copy the properties of embryonic ones.

These cells also exist in the amniotic fluid, and are known then as perinatal mother, although these are the least studied so far.

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