NewsStudy shows another benefit of corona vaccination

Study shows another benefit of corona vaccination

Researchers from the USA have found that the corona vaccination also has positive side effects on people’s mental health.

Washington DC – Researchers from the USA * have published new findings on the Corona * vaccination. As is already known, the vaccine protects against becoming seriously ill or dying. The researchers were also able to find out that people who have been vaccinated have seen a significant improvement in their mental health.

In the study, which was published in the journal PLOS One, the scientists followed people who had received a first dose of a coronavirus vaccine * between December 2020 and March 2021. They found that those who had been vaccinated were less likely to show signs of mild or severe depression than those who had not been vaccinated.

Corona vaccination: Researchers followed patients for 18 months

Since mental health is just as important as physical, this could be another reason to get vaccinated. Surveys from the United States at various times over the past 18 months indicated a worrying increase in mental health problems. This increase often coincided with an increase in corona cases.

For example, in the summer of 2020, around 4 in 10 American adults said they were struggling with mental health problems or substance abuse. Before the pandemic, it was only about 1 in 10 adults. Experts have warned since the beginning of the pandemic that it would add to the chronic stress of millions of people who were disadvantaged before the Covid-19.

Corona vaccination: higher fears for adults in poor general condition

“As before the pandemic, adults in poor general condition continue to report higher levels of anxiety and / or depression than adults in good general condition,” warned a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation in February. There are many reasons mental health increased during the pandemic, from widespread job losses to loneliness.

People who are vaccinated may be less worried about getting infected. The researchers write that they could be more socially active or try out new job opportunities. Previous studies have shown that isolation was a major contributor to people’s mental health during the pandemic.

Corona vaccination is not a panacea: However, an effect on mental health is recognizable

The new results by no means suggest that vaccination is a panacea. The authors of the study write that their results are only to be understood as the “short-term direct effects of a first vaccination dose”. An effect on mental health can still be seen.

In Germany, the third corona vaccination is being administered in the first federal states. We have summarized the most important side effects. (ebb) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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