NewsSunny weekend - more clouds and rain from Monday

Sunny weekend – more clouds and rain from Monday

Created: 07/23/2022 Updated: 07/23/2022, 2:05 p.m

Wetter in Niedersachsen
Trees on the banks of the Koldinger Seen in the Hanover region are reflected on the water surface. © Moritz Frankenberg/dpa

At the start of the new week, meteorologists are expecting more clouds and thunderstorms after the sun on Saturday and Sunday. It stays mild at night.

Offenbach – People in Germany can work on their summer tan over the weekend: The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts many hours of sunshine and hardly any clouds.

However, the start of the new week is cloudy and one or two thunderstorms are imminent, as a weather expert from the DWD explained in Offenbach on Saturday. In addition, it will remain quite mild on Monday night with lows of around 15 degrees, “so night owls can stay outside for a long time,” said the meteorologist.

The weather conditions in the north

On Sunday, the motto is “cloudless” almost everywhere in Germany. According to the DWD, denser clouds with a little rain can rise from the North Sea only in the north-west. “With midsummer values between 27 and 34 degrees, many will feel like cooling down.” Temperatures near the coast are around 24 degrees. For trips to the swimming pool, to the quarry pond or for sports, you should pack an extra water bottle, advises the weather expert: “The perceived temperatures can well be over 35 degrees in the south.”

Thunderstorm with severe weather potential on Monday

According to the information, cloud fields will appear in the north and north-west on Monday night, and the first showers and thunderstorms are also possible in the North Sea area. The DWD meteorologist describes the clouds as a foretaste of the start of the new week: Showers and thunderstorms have potential for severe weather in the north-west on Monday, the rain spreads south-east over the course of the day to the middle and to Mecklenburg. Showers and thunderstorms should also be expected south of the Danube. In the east and southeast, on the other hand, it will remain mostly friendly and dry, with uncomfortable weather limited to higher low mountain ranges. Temperatures range from 28 to 36 degrees from north-west to south-east on Monday.

For Tuesday, the meteorologist predicted a mix of sun and clouds in the north and in the middle – with temperatures in the north and west of 20 to 25 degrees, otherwise 25 to 28 degrees. It could also rain locally, in the southeast there were sometimes stronger thunderstorms. dpa

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