Breastfeeding in public

Breastfeeding is welcome everywhere, even at the Venice International Film Festival

Breastfeeding is a natural act not only of feeding, but of love between mothers and children. Therefore, it should be seen as something normal in any place and situation, since it is a food necessity for babies.

#MisTetasNoSonTuAsunto: Verdeliss' initiative to normalize breastfeeding in public

In addition to being the best food for our children during their first months of life, due to all the benefits and protections it provides, breast milk also gives us a precious experience when breastfeeding our children.

Teaming up: the cute video of a baby being fed to his mother while she breastfeeds him

We already know that the breast does not have schedules and sometimes we have to feed the baby anywhere, even in a restaurant when the food has just been served, and we almost always end up eating it cold.

With this image, hundreds of mothers show how absurd some comments towards nursing mothers are

Despite all the effort that is made to normalize public breastfeeding and try to end all those myths about prolonged breastfeeding, it is still common to hear phrases such as "that child is too old to breastfeed." Let's face it, most of them are absurd and unnecessary phrases.


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