
Most babies born to COVID-19 infected mothers are doing well with few adverse outcomes

The issue of the Coronavirus causes us all to have many fears, and these are even greater when we have children, because we care...

Almost 70% of parents felt that their relationship with their children improved during the pandemic, becoming closer

There is no doubt that the coronavirus came to drastically change our lives, completely transforming the routine of all families, the way we work and, mainly, the way we relate to other people.

Neither face shields nor masks in babies: pediatricians warn of the serious risk of suffocation they can cause

Giving birth in times of coronavirus is not easy. Added to the uncertainty caused by the health situation is the fear that the newborn could be infected with this disease, which can lead some parents to do anything to protect their health, some as dangerous as putting masks on them after a few months or placing them facial displays, as we have seen in some Asian countries.

Covid-19 antibodies found in breast milk of infected mothers

In recent months, studies and research have been carried out around the world in the search for a vaccine or treatment for the coronavirus, which has affected millions of people in the world.

A possible case of vertical transmission of Covid from a mother to her baby is detected at the La Paz Hospital in Madrid

Being a virus with a relatively short time of existence, the scientific evidence on the Covid-19 coronavirus and its effects on pregnancy and the possible ways of contagion between mothers and children is limited. Although research to date suggests that the infection is not passed from mother to child, there is insufficient evidence to determine whether the virus can be transmitted during pregnancy.

Newborns infected with coronavirus experience mild symptoms, new study finds

What we know so far about COVID-19 infection is that it affects the little ones to a lesser extent, and if we talk about newborn babies with coronavirus, the symptoms they experience are mild, according to recent research published in the European Respiratory Journal .

A baby tests positive for coronavirus 12 days after being born in Cáceres

A baby who was born on March 12 at the San Pedro de Alcántara Hospital in Cáceres and his mother are infected with coronavirus, according to sources from the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Extremadura. The little one, who tested positive 12 days after birth, is one of the smallest infected with COVID-19 in Spain (if not the most).

What will my delivery be like during the coronavirus crisis

If, in itself, we are all concerned about the situation we are experiencing, uncertainty increases in the case of pregnant women who are going to give birth in the next few days or weeks. There is no evidence about the transmission of the virus from the mother to the baby during pregnancy, and that is good news, but what are births like during the COVID crisis?


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