
A registry is under way on the effects of infectious diseases on pregnancy, such as Covid-19, Zika or dengue

A platform that serves as a global and immediate communication tool to activate the exchange of knowledge and to be able to carry out a rapid assessment of the effects that certain infectious diseases can cause to pregnant women?

COVID-19 in pregnancy is associated with skin edema in the fetus, a pathology that disappears when the mother overcomes the virus

When we think that we know all the symptoms that COVID-19 infection can cause to babies and pregnant women, new complications appear that are discovered to be associated with the virus.

A viral infection of the mother during pregnancy, such as Covid-19, does not usually affect the baby and science explains why

Despite the nearly 100 million cases of Covid recorded to date worldwide, there is no strong evidence that the virus that causes the disease, SARS-CoV-2, poses a threat to fetuses.

Pregnant women with Covid-19 can transmit antibodies to their babies, study finds

The World Health Organization explains that although some pregnant women are at increased risk of developing severe Covid-19, it is not yet known for sure whether an infected pregnant woman can transmit the virus to the baby during pregnancy or delivery.

Coronavirus: these are the countries affected so far

The WHO has already declared the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency. What countries have been affected? We tell you about it here.

First case of Covid mutation in a newborn infected in pregnancy

Although something more is learned every day about how the coronavirus behaves among children, with the existing data after a year living in a pandemic, it is known that vertical transmission during pregnancy is rare, as is newborn infection at the time of delivery or the days after, with skin-to-skin contact with the mother and breastfeeding.

The placenta protects the baby from Covid, even if the mother suffers a serious infection during pregnancy

It is not the first investigation nor will it be the last that studies the effects that the coronavirus can have on the fetus to know how it affects it and thus know how to protect it. So far, few cases of vertical mother-child transmission have been found, so it has been determined that infection in the maternal uterus is rare although possible and, if the baby is infected, it does not usually present symptoms, although there are serious exceptions.

Covid-19: what are saliva and batch tests, and what are their advantages?

Unlike swab sampling, saliva samples can be easily obtained. What are they useful for?


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The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

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