News"Tar-like material oozes out of the ground": heat causes...

"Tar-like material oozes out of the ground": heat causes rail chaos in Karlsruhe – the end is not in sight

It will probably be weeks before tram traffic in Karlsruhe returns to normal. Due to heat damage, almost all of the local public transport there has failed.

Karlsruhe – The heat has the weather in Germany * firmly under control ( BW24 * reported ). The temperatures are far too high for this time of year *. In Karlsruhe, the citizens felt the effects of the extreme weather with full force: Since Tuesday evening, the Karlsruhe tram traffic has been completely paralyzed. The scorching heat has softened and melted the grout that connects the tracks and asphalt in many places.

As the Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe (VBK) announced, tram traffic in the city area will continue to be restricted on Thursday, June 17th. Research into the causes and elimination of all danger spots could drag on for weeks. “At the moment we cannot say when the trains will run again,” says the VBK.

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After numerous railways ceased operations, a replacement rail service was set up. This can lead to bottlenecks and trip cancellations. “Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to be particularly careful in the area of the tracks throughout the city until the damage and contamination caused by the VBK has been completely removed,” warns the transport association.

“When I got the news: Tar-like material was oozing out of the ground around the rails in the whole city area – I first thought of some science fiction films,” said Karlsruhe Mayor Frank Mentrup at the press conference of the Karlsruhe Transport Association (KVV) . However, the mayor quickly came to the conclusion that the heat could be the reason for the melting rail material.

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“On Tuesday afternoon, the first reports of unusual pollution in our rail network in the Karlsruhe area came in,” said Ascan Egerer, Technical Director of the Transport Company. In quick succession, messages were then received from the entire network. “At 6 p.m. we were then forced to stop operations for safety reasons.”

With regard to the current weather *, he was very sorry for the passengers, but there was no other option, said Egerer. “We have never seen anything like this here in Karlsruhe,” he regretted. Due to the heat, the material oozed sticky out of the rails and spread across the entire network via the tracks rolling over them.

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The effects on safety could no longer be controlled, says Ascan Egerer: “Points could no longer be set and vehicles were so heavily soiled that the braking systems were also affected. That was also the reason why we saw no alternative to our decision to restrict tram traffic. ”* BW24 is an offer from Ippen.Media.

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