Tech UPTechnologyThe 10 most searched words of 2010

The 10 most searched words of 2010

busquedas-2010Theoil spillof BP in the Gulf of Mexico and theSouth Africa Soccer World Cupled the list ofMost searched topics in 2010, according to the Yahoo! search engine. It isthe first time the news took the top spotsince the company began publishing its annual review a decade ago. Vera Chan, editor of Yahoo! and an internet trend analyst, says the BP oil spill was the most searched topic by term for various reasons. “It became an issue about so many things, like the environment, energy, workplace disasters and the role of government. It became a lightning rod for people’s anxieties,” he explained.

Teen pop music star Miley Cyrus finished third in the search rankings, followed by television star Kim Kardashian, popular Lady Gaga, and actress Megan Fox.iPhoneApple’s ranked sixth.

“Unemployment” was the most searched item in the finance search engine, followed by “Wall Street companies” and “retirements.” As tothe most wanted questions, “How to tie a knot?” was the number one question in 2010, followed by “How to lose weight?”, “How to kiss?” and “How to write a resume?”.

Yahoo! currently ranks second in the global online search market. Google, which leads the market with 84.76% of global searches, will present its report “Zeitgeist 2010” in mid-December, where it announces the most recurring terms during the year. In 2009 the first position in this ranking was occupied by the term “Twitter”.

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