Tech UPTechnologyThe best mobile photos of 2021

The best mobile photos of 2021

The Mobile Photography Awards have released their 10th annual selection of the best international photography work captured on mobile devices. Founded in 2011, it is the oldest international competition for photos taken and edited exclusively with smartphones and tablets. The panel of judges selected the winners of the different categories from more than 5,700 photos sent in total from more than 75 countries around the globe.

The Mobile Photography Awards include 20 thematic categories including: Landscapes, Portraits, Black & White, Photojournalism, Nature and Wildlife. The grand prize winner, and recipient of the $ 3,000 cash prize, was awarded to Dan Liu, a photographer from China, for his series of photos taken with an iPhone 11 Pro Max.

These awards represent a unique contest; both a chronicle of the evolution of smartphone cameras and a celebration of the art of mobile photography. In its 10th year, it presents an indisputable case of the power of modern mobile photography. “If what Henri Cartier-Bresson says is true, that our first 10,000 photos will be the worst, then mobile photography has given people a historic opportunity to quickly surpass 10,001, ” commented the organization of the Mobile Photo Awards in its Web.

This year’s selection of images features a caliber of art equal to the best seen in any professional photography contest. From extraordinary macro shots to spectacular landscapes; something that shows that smartphone cameras are already capable of capturing any type of photographic or aesthetic style with unparalleled quality and beauty.

“The winners of the 10th Annual Mobile Photography Awards are a testament to yet another year in the rapid evolution of mobile phone cameras,” says Daniel Berman, founder of the contest. ” The iPhone is still the most used by our participants, but this year we saw a greater variety of camera phones than ever. In each contest we hold, the quality of the photos submitted increases by leaps and bounds.”


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