FunThe most addictive foods and tricks to replace them...

The most addictive foods and tricks to replace them with healthier ones

According to a study carried out by researchers at the University of Newcastle (United Kingdom), 20% of adults suffer from food addiction. As experts explain, the brain’s reward and pleasure mechanisms act in exactly the same way with addictive foods as with any type of drug. The main problem with all foods considered addictive is that they have a very high caloric content and, in addition, they provide a large amount of refined sugars and trans fats that do not do any good to health.

Cola soda

Whether they have sugar or not, cola contains caffeine, which increases its addictive power. It is true that all sugary sodas are addictive , but cola is the worst of all because the components derived from caffeine stimulate the central nervous system.

Potato chips

Have you ever tried to eat a single potato chip ? It is impossible, and sometimes that until the bag is finished we cannot stop. They contain starch, sodium and fat and, in addition, they have a very crunchy texture.

Are there healthier snacks ? Of course yes. They are just as delicious and, in addition, they provide very interesting nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. For example, edamame or vegetable chips.

Industrial pastries

In the market there is a very wide variety of industrial pastries: cookies, croissants … The nutritional value of this type of food is practically nil. All they offer are refined flours and sugars that the body metabolizes quickly. To this we must add that they contain sodium and fat, highly addictive components.


Among the different addictive foods is pizza, very popular all over the world. It is very difficult to taste a portion without wanting more! Luckily, it is easy to prepare a much more savory homemade pizza, with a base of cauliflower and vegetable ingredients.


Cocoa is one of the healthiest foods that exist, but the problem is that most of the chocolates that we can find in the market contain large amounts of sugar and butter , so they have a great addictive potential. The ideal is, on the one hand, to consume chocolate as pure as possible and, on the other hand, to take care of the dose.

This is the list of the most addictive foods that exist. They secrete dopamine in the brain, and this is the reason why we feel happy when ingesting them.

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