FunThe most enigmatic phrases of Amy Winehouse 10 years...

The most enigmatic phrases of Amy Winehouse 10 years after her death

On July 23, 2011 and at just 27 years old, the singer Amy Winehouse died. He rose to success with just two albums, Frank and Back To Black. He had a life not without controversy and excesses that ended his life. Let’s see the most enigmatic phrases of Amy Winehouse .

Well, in this short, but outstanding life, he had time to comment and leave quotes that have already passed to prosperity.

Most people my age spend their time thinking about what to do in the next five years. While they think about their life I drink all the alcohol I can.

Life happens. There is no point in being upset or depressed about things you cannot control or change.

Long-term drinking is much worse than heroin. Alcohol is the worst poison.

I don’t understand why I care so much about a man when there are so many better things at hand.

Music is the only thing that gives you a lot and takes nothing away from you.

I only write things that have happened to me, things that I personally can’t get over. Luckily, I’m pretty self-destructive.

All I need for a hangover is someone to drive me to McDonald’s and eat a Double Cheeseburger.

I don’t think your fighting ability has to do with how big you are. It has to do with the anger in you.

My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they are going to do in the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I spend it drinking alcohol.

Some people who come into our lives leave footprints in our hearts and we are no longer the same.

I’m from the school of thought where if you can’t figure something out yourself, no one can help you. Rehab is fine for some, but not for others.

My biggest fear is dying without anyone knowing about any contribution I have made to creative music. The most enigmatic phrases of Amy Winehouse

If you play an instrument, it makes you a better singer. The more you play, the better you sing. The more you sing, the better you play.

They expelled me from the nun’s school for having a piercing in my nose and I said “see you later.”

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