FunThe most important works and phrases of Edgar Allan...

The most important works and phrases of Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849) is one of the essential names in literature . His influence on poetry and genres of detective fiction (he is considered its creator), science fiction (whose work helped to forge a path) and Gothic literature in general is more than evident, so we review below, the most important works and phrases of Edgar Allan Poe.

The most important works and phrases of Edgar Allan Poe

Long is the work of Edgar Allan Poe, an author born in Boston, although if he is remembered for something, it is for his great works of stories and poetry. In fact, he is considered one of the great authors of romanticism in the United States , as well as being a pioneer in the writing and publication of stories that in most cases were full of mystery and touches of mystery. Likewise, the atmosphere of terror in his stories still has no rivals in American literature .

Among his most important works we can list: “The Raven”, “The Black Cat”, “The facts in the case of Mr. Valdemar”, “The fall of the House of Usher”, “The golden insect”, “The stolen letter” or “A dream within a dream”, from which to extract some really outstanding phrases and reflections that we leave you below:

  • “In the depths of that darkness looking, I spent a long time there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams that no mortal had ever dared to dream before.” – The Raven
  • Men have called me crazy; but the question is not yet resolved, the question of whether or not madness is the highest intelligence … ”- Eleonora.
  • Dying laughing must be the most glorious of all glorious deaths! »- The Assignment.
  • Most writers — especially poets — prefer to be understood to compose through a kind of fine frenzy — an ecstatic intuition — and would positively shudder to let the audience take a look behind the scenes at the elaborate and hesitant rawness of the thought. – in the true purposes grasped only at the last moment – in the innumerable flashes of idea that did not reach the maturity of full sight – in the fully mature fantasies discarded in despair as unmanageable – in the cautious selections and rejections – in the painful erasures and interpolations, in a word, on the wheels and pinions, the rigging for the change of scene, the ladders and demon traps, the rooster feathers, the red paint and the black spots, which, in ninety and nine cases out of a hundred, constitute the properties of histrio literature ».The philosophy of composition.
  • “I smiled, why did I have to fear?”The Tell-Tale Heart.
  • “It was a dark and silent day near the end of the year, and the clouds hung low in the sky. All day he had been riding a horse through a field with little life or beauty; and in the evening I got to see the Usher House. I don’t know what it was like, but with the first sight of the building, a feeling of deep sadness filled my spirit »The Fall of the House of Usher
  • But we loved with a love that was more than love …” – Annabel Lee.
  • « Resignedly under the sky, the melancholic waters lie. So he mixes the turrets and the shadows, which all seem to be hanging in midair, while from a proud tower in the city, Death gazes gigantic down. – The city in the sea.

Other quotes by Edgar Allan Poe

Along with those mentioned we can also list these other phrases by Poe that will surely make you reflect:

  • “The only way a man can preserve his freedom is to always be ready to die for it.”
  • “Who has not caught himself a hundred times committing a stupid or vile action, for the sole reason that he should not commit it?”
  • “If you want to forget something on the spot, make a note saying that you have to remember that.”
  • “There is something in the generous and self-sacrificing love of an animal that reaches directly into the heart of one who has often tasted the false friendship and fragile fidelity of man.”
  • “I have no faith in human perfection. Man is now more active, not happier, nor more intelligent, than he was 6000 years ago. “
  • The four conditions for happiness: the love of a woman, life in the open air, the absence of all ambition and the creation of a new beauty. “
  • “Those who dream during the day are aware of many things that escape those who dream only at night.”
  • “Death is bravely taken face to face and then invited to a drink.”
  • “When a madman seems completely sensible, it is time to put the straitjacket on him.”


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