NewsThe New York Prosecutor's Office opens a criminal investigation...

The New York Prosecutor's Office opens a criminal investigation into Trump's business emporium

The New York Prosecutor’s Office has launched a criminal investigation into the Trump Organization, the business emporium of the former US president, since the investigations that were opened for possible tax crimes also include the alleged commission of crimes against the law. Possible crimes by Trump’s business conglomerate in relation to seeking loans and tax benefits, but now a spokesman for the office has confirmed the “criminal nature” of the investigations. “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the investigation is no longer purely civil in nature,” said Fabien Levy, spokesperson for New York Attorney General Letitia James. “We are now actively investigating the Criminal Trump organization, together with the Manhattan district attorney’s office, “he highlighted. The Manhattan prosecutor’s office has declined to comment on Levy.Trump’s words: “Witch hunt” After hearing the news, former President Trump has called the entire process “corruption”, which is “desperate.” He tried to charge him with a crime and has accused the prosecutor James of “campaigning” against him. “There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation desperately seeking a crime” and that, he said, “is exactly what is happening.” The attorney general of New York has literally campaigned to prosecute Donald Trump, even before she knew anything about me, “he referred to himself in the third person.” She said that if elected, she would use her office to investigate ‘all aspects’ of my real estate business.She swore that ‘she would definitely sue me’ and boasted that it would be ‘a real headache’, “said Trump, referring to a recording in which James would have expressed himself in these terms. Trump, in a lengthy statement in his new website, has once again insisted that he is being the victim of “the greatest witch hunt in the history of the United States” and has said that the institutions run by the Democratic Party “are being consumed” in these attempts to convict him, while the people of New York “flee in search of other much safer places to live.” “These Democrats, in collaboration with Washington, want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they do not want ‘Trump’ to run again. While people are being murdered on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, while drugs and crime of all kinds flow, “he said. Open fronts with Justice It is not the first time that Trump refers to the investigations like this against him. Already in February he described as “fascist” and promoted “for political reasons” the investigations into possible personal tax crimes and his emporium, after the Supreme Court dismissed his appeal to avoid the delivery of his tax returns for the last eight years to a New York court. In this sense, he denounced “the greatest political witch hunt in the history” of the United States. “I am going to continue fighting, as I have been doing for the last five years, even before I was elected, despite all the electoral crimes committed against me. We will win! », He assured.Trump has several judicial fronts open, but one of the most important is the fraud investigation that the state of New York is developing into the businesses of the North American tycoon, without any relation to the decisions taken since he came to power in 2016. , the New York Prosecutor’s Office is examining possible crimes linked to the Trump Organization, the business conglomerate that Trump founded, suspected of falsifying records, tax fraud or insurance fraud.In addition, James investigates four real estate projects of the Trump Organization and its failed attempt to buy the Buffalo Bills rugby team. The investigations are in this case civil, not criminal, but it is not ruled out that they can be diverted to the other route if indications arise.

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