Tech UPTechnologyThe screen of the Pixel 6 Pro flickers: this...

The screen of the Pixel 6 Pro flickers: this is the solution offered by Google

Google says it will fix the incessant screen flickering that some users have reported seeing when pressing the Pixel 6 Pro’s power button while the phone is completely off.

According to most of the reports that the company itself has made to try to investigate the failure and launch an update of its operating system to try to solve it, the flickers not only occur when the screen is off, as it would happen if the phone was inactive, if not that dozens of users assure that the flickering occurred while the phone was fully powered on and operational.

A ghostly blink

Through an official communication through the official website of the product, Google has confirmed that the problem occurs when the power button is pressed “with light pressure but not enough to turn on the Pixel 6 Pro”. That is, it suggests that users do not press the power button hard enough, and because of that, for a few seconds, the screen of their phone keeps blinking intermittently and the device power on is not correct .

In a support document to solve the problem, which Google has also made available to all users through its usual communication channels, the company ensures that it is already working on a solution, and that it will come in the form of an update of software next December.

The company has also recommended to all those affected that, if they do not want their phone screen to remain blinking, avoid turning their devices on and off repeatedly, as this would avoid the problem until the update arrives and solves it.

The solution will come in the form of an update

In several Internet forums, there are user complaints regarding this recommendation from Google, as it has been interpreted by many as a kind of “you are doing it wrong” by Google. Phones crash when they are turned off and the power button is pressed, and that is something that only the company is to blame , so it will try to solve it with the software update that it will launch in December.

However, there is another problem, since for the update to take effect the device has to be turned on , but it is impossible to turn it on if the screen flickers. So Google will have to think about that too and see how it can solve the problem of thousands of affected users.

In the technical support document that has posted on the web about this problem, Google ensures that the flickering screen setback does not mean that the phone has a hardware failure . I mean, the phones themselves are fine. That’s good news, because some of the older Google phones, like the Pixel 2 XL, had factory-shipped issues that lasted forever. However, that shouldn’t be the case with the 6 Pro if the problem can be fixed simply by updating the software.

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