FunThe things you don't know about tattoos on your...

The things you don't know about tattoos on your international day

On July 17, International Tattoo Day is celebrated, but, even if you have had one, surely you do not know everything about it. We tell you the things that you do not know about the tattoo on its international day. From its composition, the number of people who carry it and their care.

10% of Europeans have a tattoo. We are not talking about a passing fad, but about a phenomenon that is growing.

Considered as an art

Tattoo artists are true artists who manage to capture great designs on the skin. For many people, it is a way of expressing their tastes, their ideas and their memories.

What is the oldest tattoo?

The oldest known tattoo has its origin more than 3000 years ago. They discovered it in the Ötzi mummy and, although it is not known exactly, it is believed that the drawings were placed in pain points as a cure.

What does it consist of?

A tattoo consists of injecting the ink of the drawing into the skin by means of repeated punctures with a needle inside the skin, “lifting” or scarifying the epidermis and depositing the ink in the dermis at about 1.5 mm. Thus, it is a small superficial wound, and as such, it is essential to take care of it so that it heals correctly and thus the drawing is exactly as we had imagined.

Who is the most tattooed man?

The most tattooed man in the world is Lucky Diamond Rich, who claims to have and show practically 100% of his body tattooed.

Who Invented The Modern Tattoo Machine?

Among the things you do not know about tattoos in its international day is that it was Thomas Edison who invented the modern tattoo machine in 1876. It is even said that Edison himself had a tattoo done on his body in order to test his invention.

Where to go to get a tattoo?

It is essential to go to an approved center or study so as not to suffer from any health problem. There are certain inks that can cause allergic reactions or intolerances. In Spain, there is a list of approved inks, which must be the only ones used.

Invisible tattoos

What are they? Well, you know that there are invisible tattoos that are not seen at the moment, but they can do so by shining with ultraviolet light, which happens that they are not seen in the light of day.

Now you know much more about this special day because it is something that has become so important that it even has its day.


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11 oils to massage newborn babies

One of the most loving ways to calm our baby is to give him a gentle massage. To do this there is nothing like a good oil, since in addition to nourishing your delicate skin, it is not absorbed right away (as it happens with cream), so we can extend a little and enjoy a relaxing moment. If it is a newborn, we must pay attention to the product we use, since it must be specially formulated for their delicate skin.

Face and body skin care in pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful times that I have lived, but also the most complicated at the level of the state of the skin. During that time, it generally goes through several phases thanks to the hormone revolution that we experience -which causes the skin to alter a lot-, although it is usually temporary and everything returns to normal (at least until postpartum).
