NewsThe "yellow vests" recover the pulse of participation in...

The "yellow vests" recover the pulse of participation in Act XXX

These figures represent a slight increase in “yellow vests” compared to last Saturday, when the Government recognized 9,500 protesters throughout France. This Saturday the protests have brought riots in Montpellier, the epicenter of the call for this day, where they met more than 2,000 protesters according to the Police, 5,000 according to the figures of the “yellow vests”, in the central Plaza de la Comedia. The Police have used tear gas and water cannons to repel the protesters, clashes that have resulted in eight slightly injured, according to the Prefecture, cited by BFMTV television. Four of them are protesters and another four are police officers affected by the launching of fireworks. There are also seven detainees, so the Plaza de la Comedia has become a battlefield that has ended up full of broken glass bottles, pieces of wood and shattered banners after several entrances and exits of the protesters and their corresponding response from the riot police “The most virulent protesters have thrown agricultural bombs, similar to flares, cobblestones and bottles (…) at the Police, which has responded with proportionality and great coldness,” stressed the Prefecture, noting that the controversies were not used rubber-coated steel balls or ‘flashball’, projectiles launched with weapons technically known as Defense Ball Launcher (LBD). Meanwhile, in the neighborhoods of Paris the march “The yellow vests in the neighborhoods, Act I », Which has brought together a thousand people on a journey between Saint-Denis and Bobigny.At the demonstration you could see a banner with the phrase “Neither forget nor forgive, 2005-2019” in reference to the death of Zyed and Bouna, killed during a police chase in 2005, events that caused a wave of riots in the neighborhoods with numerous car burnings. There have also been smaller protests in Marseille (200 participants according to the Prefecture), Bordeaux (600), Nancy (350) or Dijon, where there have been thirteen detainees and a riot police has been injured. ‘Yellow vests’ began in November to protest against the rise in diesel taxes and in December they reached their peak with protests against the repression of demonstrations to the point that the president, Emmanuel Macron, announced a package of economic measures to improve the living conditions of the middle and working class.

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On the banks of the Seine

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