FunThese are the restrictions and places with a curfew...

These are the restrictions and places with a curfew in Spain

Faced with an ever-increasing increase in the cumulative incidence in some communities and with increasingly saturated UCIS , some autonomous communities once again impose the closure of bars and premises as well as the fact that people cannot leave after a certain time. These are the new nighttime restrictions and places with a curfew in Spain.

These are the new nighttime restrictions and places with a curfew in Spain

There are now almost ten million Spaniards who are once again under the curfew in communities such as Cantabria , Catalonia , the Valencian Community as well as Navarra, while others choose to restrict nightlife in another way. Let us remember that in this fifth wave of the pandemic, it is young people, aged 10 to 29 , who are getting the most, given, among other things, that they are the age group in which the anti-Covid vaccine is delayed the longest.

In addition, all the provinces are currently exceeding the threshold of 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and in the face of a looming lack of control, it seems that the restrictions are once again the solution to stop the expansion of new infections. Therefore, we want to review how these limitations are at night, depending on each community.


Catalonia is one of the communities in which the cumulative incidence and hospitalizations have skyrocketed by the Supreme Court in this community, which has decided to extend the night curfew that was approved on Saturday, July 17, again and for another week. In this way, it will not be possible to go out between 1 and 6 in the morning in 165 municipalities of the community.

On the other hand, it has also imposed the closure of all activities at 00:30, limit meetings to a maximum of 10 people, without forgetting interpersonal distance and the use of a mask, especially indoors.


In Madrid it seems that things are maintained so that no new restrictions are announced despite the fact that nightlife venues have only been open until 3:00 a.m. for weeks, without being able to admit new customers an hour before. Nor can it be consumed in the bar (just pick up the drink) and dancing is only allowed if the nightclub has an outdoor track and with the use of a mask.

Bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, gambling venues, gambling establishments and casinos can open until 1.00 a.m. but cannot admit more customers after midnight. In addition, bar consumption is not allowed and the terraces are only allowed until midnight.


The curfew in Valencia was approved by the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV) between 1 and 6 hours. It is applied in 77 localities with more than 5,000 inhabitants that have a higher incidence. Nor can you hold meetings with more than 10 people.


Since yesterday, Saturday, the Xunta de Galicia has decreed to limit meetings to six people inside and 10 outside , or two units of cohabitants in both cases, while access to restaurants and hotels in areas of maximum level and High will only be allowed to those who present a complete vaccination certificate , or one certifying that they have passed the disease or a negative test in the last 72 hours (self-diagnostic tests from the pharmacy are not allowed).


Cantabria has decreed a curfew between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. in 53 municipalities (half a million people) given the increase in Covid cases in ICUs that are also under 40 years old.


This past Friday, the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra (TSJN) authorized the curfew in Navarra between 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. that will apply on weekends, holidays and on those dates (also on the eve ) in which it would have corresponded to celebrate the supervisory holidays.


The Government of Aragon presented this past Friday, July 23, before the Superior Court of Justice, the order to limit mobility from 1.00 to 6.00 hours, in the cities of Huesca, Jaca, Monzón and Barbastro .

On the other hand, it announces the closure for restaurants and nightlife from midnight (currently they close at 00:30), while mass events, celebrations and children’s camps with overnight stays, will reduce their capacity by half.


Asturias has also requested a curfew between 01:00 and 06:00 hours since it is about to pass a medium alert level for hospital occupancy. In addition, indoor meetings will be restricted to only six people and outdoors to ten people and there will be limitations on holding large events.


This same week, the Junta de Andalucía proposed to establish a curfew between 02:00 and 07:00 hours according to the alert level of each municipality, although it must still be approved by the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA).

However, new capacity limits have been activated for hospitality establishments as well as for celebration halls (from today Sunday).


Meetings between people who are not living together are limited in both public and private spaces from 01:00 to 06:00 in Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca. Formentera applies the same limitation but from 02:00 to 06:00.

Basque Country

Despite being the community with the highest number of infections (it already exceeds 1,800), at the moment it does not impose a curfew although it does advance the closure of the hotel business at 00:00 hours, in addition to imposing the use of the mask in busy urban environments.

Canary Islands

Although the Canary Islands government has requested to impose the curfew again, especially in Tenerife since it is at alert level 4, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office on Friday ruled in favor, although only if the measure is applied by municipalities according to the incidence of contagions.

On the other hand, there are restrictions on meetings since the number of non-cohabitating people who can meet at most (both in public and private spaces) is limited to two and nightlife is closed .

Castile and Leon

Just a week ago, Castilla y León was studying imposing a curfew for municipalities similar to that of other communities, but it has finally chosen to recommend to its citizens that they themselves impose not to leave between 01.00 and 06000 hours in the morning, in addition to recommending limiting social contact as much as possible.

On the other hand, let us remember that in this community the closure of bars in the hospitality industry, the closure of the interior of nightlife venues, limiting meetings to 10 people per table, the closure of establishments at 1.30 am and the closure of parks in the early morning .


There is no curfew imposed in Extremadura, although the perimeter isolation of nine Extremadura towns has been approved (Cabezuela del Valle, Almoharín and Ceclavín, Puebla de Sancho Pérez, Puebla de la Calzada, Talavera la Real, Calamonte, Castuera and Guareña) that the Junta de Extremadura requested the Superior Court of Justice of the community (TSJEx), so that it began last Wednesday, July 21 at 00.00 hours and will last for 14 days.


The limitation of meetings to groups of a maximum of 10 people is maintained , except in the case that they are cohabiting.

The Rioja

Although La Rioja has ruled out the curfew and does not impose limitations or restrictions, it has been announced in this community that military trackers will be incorporated into the COVID unit in order to reinforce the work of monitoring infections

Castilla la Mancha

Castilla-La Mancha has no plans to apply restrictions or a curfew given that the epidemiological situation in the community is one of the best in all of Spain.

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