FunThis is the life-size replica of the Titanic that...

This is the life-size replica of the Titanic that China is building

The Titanic was a British ocean liner that sank on its maiden voyage between Southampton and New York on the night of April 14-15, 1912. A great catastrophe in which 1,496 of the 2,208 on board died. At the end of its construction it was the largest passenger ship in the world, with 269.06 meters in length and nine decks. The Titanic is the most famous ship in history, and about it there are numerous films, books, songs and exhibitions. Now China wants to go one step further, and is building a life-size replica of the Titanic. It will soon become a tourist attraction to visit in the Asian country. According to reports from the South China Morning Post, the replica is being built in the city of Suining, in the Chinese province of Sichuan. It is located a few kilometers away from cities like Chongqing and Chengdu. The most curious thing of all is that this city is inland, so it has no access to the sea, but it is not being built to go sailing, but to be a tourist attraction for the area. Investors estimate that it could receive between two and five million visitors a year, nothing more and nothing less. As is logical, the investment for the project to go ahead has been very high: more than 155 million euros since 2014. It is estimated that it will be finished by the end of 2021 and the first visitors will arrive before the start of 2022. The life-size replica of the Titanic in China will be a major tourist attraction that will be visited by both domestic and international tourists. The ship will be located inside an amusement park. Project manager Xu Junnian notes that construction of the main deck remains to be completed.In addition to the ocean liner, the Southampton pier from which the Titanic departed in April 1912 will also be recreated. Visitors will have the opportunity to spend the night on it. Finally, it should be noted that this project has not been to everyone’s taste. There are those who criticize that it is insensitive to turn a tragedy like that of the almost 1,500 people who lost their lives in the shipwreck, into a business in an amusement park. The BBC adds that the original plan was to include the iceberg crash as a show, but it was eventually dropped.

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