FunThis is the method of scientists to detect alien...

This is the method of scientists to detect alien civilizations

One of the biggest unanswered questions facing humanity is: are we alone in the Universe ? As you can imagine, there are many studies that try to make sense of this existential doubt. A new article published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society explains how to find possible civilizations, so it appears that scientists may have found a way to detect alien civilizations.

This is the new method of scientists to detect alien civilizations

According to the study now carried out, the technology that would allow scientists to discover new alien civilizations is called the Dyson sphere , which extracts energy from a black hole.

Scientists have explained, that first of all the alien civilization should be advanced enough to build a Dyson Sphere, which is a structure built near (or around) the Sun capable of capturing the star’s energy and diverting it to Earth. This megastructure, according to the study, is not expected to be built around a star, but rather around a black hole.

What is the Dyson sphere?

The Dyson sphere concept was popularized by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson in the 1960s as a solution to the problem of consuming energy that exceeds the planet’s capabilities of a civilization. The sphere itself is built around the star of the planetary system , a megastructure that collects the energy from the star at its source.

According to Dyson , infrared emissions of thermal energy could escape as the Dyson structure captures and converts stellar energy, which could hypothetically reveal the presence of these hypothetical structures. This infrared signature, if we could detect it, would allow us to locate alien civilizations.

The results of the study

In this study, we consider an energy source from a well-developed Type II or Type III civilization. They need a more powerful source of energy than their own Sun,explain those responsible for the research. “Our results suggest that for a stellar-mass black hole, the accretion disk could provide hundreds of times brighter than a main sequence star.”

According to what emerged from the calculations of the researchers, led by astronomer Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao of National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, such structures would be detectable at various wavelengths: some, warmer, would be visible in the ultraviolet range. , while others, cooler, would be visible in the infrared spectrum.

Since black holes already emit a lot of radiation at both wavelengths, it is suggested that other measurements of the black hole be made, such as changes in light . Surely a very ‘fantasy’ study, but such a situation might be entirely feasible. Obviously, none of this has yet been discovered, but who knows in the future and with current technological advances if what this study proposes could finally give results.

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