EconomyFinancialThis is the official report of the supply of...

This is the official report of the supply of food and fuel in the country

While supply stations such as Bogotá report normality, there are alerts of possible fuel shortages in areas of the Eje Cafetero and the western part of the country.

The Supply Table, led by the Administrative Department of the Presidency, issued its most recent report. According to the document, between 4 p.m. on May 12 and until 6 p.m. on May 14, the mobilization and arrival at destination of 6,463 vehicles, 20,384 tons of food and 137,976 gallons of fuel were reported.

Regarding the supply in the wholesale centrals, it reports that “Corabastos (Bogotá), Mayoristas (Antioquia) and Granabastos (Barranquilla) reported an income of tons higher than 100% compared to what is entered in a day under normal conditions. In Centroabastos (Bucaramanga) 65% of what is paid in one day under normal conditions and in MERCAR (Armenia) 21% of what is paid in one day under normal conditions ”. While during the day of 14 “the markets of Cartago (Valle del Cauca) were not held, Ipiales is all of us and Ipiales is the center of Acopio (Nariño) and Duitama (Boyacá)”.

“The new blockades in Duitama could affect the supply in Santander, which fell from 118% to 88% (…) The humanitarian corridors of May 13 improved the supply of Cauca, which went from 33% to 108%”, adds the document.

On the other hand, “the most abrupt decrease (in food supply) was in Neiva, which fell from 155% to 32% due to a new blockade on the Bogotá-Ibagué-Neiva highway.”

It highlights that “with the intervention of the National Police, the El Rosal point was opened, on the Bogotá-La Vega road.”

In the transport of medicines and medical supplies, 28 routes, 48 mobilized vehicles and 4 scheduled routes were completed in the same period (May 12-14).

As for alerts of possible fuel shortages, Risaralda could be affected “by the blockades in the road axis of the Coffee Axis between Caldas, Risaralda and Armenia. The municipalities of Huila, Garzón, Gigante, La Plata, San Antonio, Tarquín, are without supplies ”.

Likewise, “the departments and capital cities with alerts on ACPM fuel supply are Valle del Cauca, Cali, Cauca, Popayán, Nariño, Pasto, Caquetá, Risaralda, Quindío. Regarding motor gasoline fuel, Valle del Cauca, although its supply level improved, continues for the average of the 14th of the month under normal conditions; A similar situation occurs with Cauca, Popayán, Arauca. Nariño is the department with the lowest inventories of motor gasoline ”.

As for cleaning, there is an “alert in Buga’s toilet system, where, due to blockages since May 13, waste collection is prevented. In Cali there are blockages in the transfer of waste to the city’s main sanitary landfill (Rozo). “

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In port matters, the Ministry of Transport reported that Buenaventura “is working on the identification and implementation of alternatives to authorize greater use of storage and operation areas, as well as measures to facilitate the transfer of cargo, via cabotage, to other ports. ”.

The National Supply Table is led by the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic and made up of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Commerce, ICBF, the General Command, the National Police and the National Army, accompanied by the Red Cross.

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