NewsThree things to keep jewelry away from

Three things to keep jewelry away from

Whether an heirloom, gift or a lucky find in the store: we are adorned with pieces of jewelry. We should treat jewelry properly so that we can enjoy it for a long time. But what does that mean exactly?

Pforzheim (dpa / tmn) – If you want to increase the lifespan of your jewelry, you should best protect your pearls, chains, earrings, bracelets and rings from bad influences and excessive stress.

This is also important because improper use can invalidate warranty claims, according to the Association of the Federal Associations of the German Jewelry and Silver Goods Industry. But there are other reasons as well.

Keep away from chemicals, sweat, oils

Some fabrics damage the jewelry. That’s why we shouldn’t wear it every opportunity. You should take off jewelry when doing housework – and working with water and chemicals.

In order to protect jewelry from chemical and mechanical effects, it should not be worn if it can come into contact with steam, fats or oils. This also applies to sports, showering, gardening and handicrafts.

You should also take off your jewelry before going to bed. It is best to keep the pieces of jewelry individually on a cloth pad. It is best to keep pearls separately in cloths or bags made of fabric.

Protect from intense sunlight

Jewelry reacts to certain environmental influences. An example: depending on the humidity, carbon dioxide and sulfur content of the air, gold and silver jewelery can oxidize – that is, it can turn dark. This can also happen through body sweat, perfume, and skin cream.

You should therefore always put on pearls at the end – i.e. when you have finished with the make-up. Because pearls are basically very sensitive to sprays and perfumes.

Individual gemstones can also be sensitive to strong sunlight and light. Too dry storage can lead to cracks. If you are unsure, you should ask in a specialist shop. As a rule, customers can also get tips on maintenance there.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210601-99-820167 / 3

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