NewsUkraine War: "Significant Setback" for Russia

Ukraine War: "Significant Setback" for Russia

Created: 07/23/2022 Updated: 7/23/2022, 6:22 p.m

Ukrainische Streitkräfte haben mehr als 1000 russische Soldaten eingekesselt (Symbolfoto).
Ukrainian forces have surrounded more than 1000 Russian soldiers (symbolic photo). © dpa

Destroying a bridge could block supplies to Russian troops in southern Ukraine.

Kherson – According to the British Ministry of Defense, Russia could face a “significant” military backlash in southern Ukraine. The destruction of an important bridge by Ukrainian forces is intended to prevent further advances by the Russian army. River crossings in Ukraine are becoming increasingly important as they can cut off important supply routes and connection points.

Ukraine War: Important bridge damaged in the south

Britain’s Ministry of Defense said in its daily Twitter update on Saturday (July 23) that heavy fighting had broken out in Ukraine’s Kherson region over the past 48 hours. For several days, more than 1,000 Russian soldiers have been surrounded by Ukrainian forces. “Russia is attempting to slow down Ukrainian attacks by artillery shelling along the natural barrier of the Ingulets River – a tributary of the Dnieper,” the ministry tweeted.

At the same time, the Russian supply lines are in danger. The Ministry of Defense stated that the Ukrainian attacks “caused further damage to the important Antonivsky Bridge while Russia carried out temporary repairs”. The Russian Army attaches great importance to maintaining its bridge control. The crossings on the Dnieper are particularly important. The river forms the main waterway of Ukraine and completely divides the country into two banks.

“Military and political setback” for Russia

“If the Dnieper crossing were denied and Russian forces cut off in occupied Kherson, it would be a significant military and political setback for Russia,” the intelligence report concluded. Blocking the bridge could prevent further troop reinforcements from Russia. The Crimean Bridge, which Ukraine had already planned to destroy, shows how important water crossings are.

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