NewsUkraine war: Söder praises the federal government and offers...

Ukraine war: Söder praises the federal government and offers support – "Bavaria can make a big contribution"

The war in Ukraine continues, the federal government makes important decisions. There was praise from Markus Söder. The CSU boss offers support.

Munich – There is war in the middle of Europe. After Russia attacked Ukraine, many people fled west. Bavarian cities want to help and are making preparations.* There were numerous sanctions against Russia: At the weekend, for example, the EU and the USA announced that they would freeze the international reserves of the Russian central bank. Some things are also changing in Germany due to the conflict, Chancellor Olaf Scholz* (SPD) announced that the Bundeswehr will receive 100 billion euros.

Ukraine conflict: Bundeswehr receives billions – Söder praises the federal government around Scholz

“The new line of the federal government has our full support,” wrote Markus Söder* in his latest Instagram post on Sunday (February 27). “It is right to finally bring our Bundeswehr up to date financially, in terms of personnel and technology. This must be done immediately, so an immediate program is needed. This is the only way our Bundeswehr can do justice to its mission: protect others – and be well protected at the same time.”

The procurement system of the Bundeswehr must be reorganized. The latest generation of surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank weapons and, above all, helicopters are needed in sufficient quantities, according to the CSU* boss, who offers support from the Free State: “Bavaria, with its undisputed know-how in air and space make a major contribution. We will have to reorganize the air defense.”

Check out this post on Instagram


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Russia’s Ukraine war: Söder praises Swift’s decision as correct, but late

But criticism was also not neglected in the article: “The years of refusal by individual parties to procure armed drones was completely incomprehensible and is now taking revenge.” Söder also believes that the Bundeswehr’s mission will change overall: “You should no longer be a task force, but an alliance army. Securing NATO and national defense are elementary, as we can see very clearly right now.”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister also commented on the Swift decision. This comes late, “but it is right and necessary. Russia’s unacceptable breach of international law has united the free world. Germany in particular has to be reliable internationally.” (kam) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Russia’s attack on Ukraine is causing countless people to flee the war. A Bavarian town near the border is preparing to help.*

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Freedom Day in Germany? Some corona measures will be canceled on Sunday. In Bavaria, too, it is relaxed. You need to know this now.
